esup-helpdesk was originally designed for universities, i.e. tens of thousands users and tickets. After the division of the establishment into departments, categories are the second-level used to sort tickets.

Dividing departments into catégories

Like the division of the establishment into categories, any division of the departments into categories can be adopted, and it may not be the same for all the departments:

  • by thema (email, development, ...),
  • by building,
  • by operating system,
  • ...

Each department has its own tree of categories:

Category properties

Inherited properties

Most of the properties of the categories can be inherited from the parent category or the department.

See: 01 Departments 


A category is real by default, i.e. it can hold tickets. It can also be virtual, i.e. being redirected to another category, called its real category. In this case, the tickets put in the virtual category are automatically put into the real category.

Link to add a ticket into the category

When editing a category, the application presents URLs that can be used to start the application and setting it in the state of adding a ticket into the category.

Managers member of a category

Managers are not defined for categories but for services. On indique simplement au niveau des catégories quels sont les gestionnaires du service qui sont membres de la catégorie.

Selected members

The members of a category can be manually selected among the managers of the department of the category:

Inherited members

The members of a category can be inherited from the parent category:

If a rrot category, all the department managers are members of the category.



Making a deep link for creating a ticket in a targeted category

If you want to provide a link which avoid to create a ticket in a targeted category, you just have to go to

"Departments" -> Choose the department -> "View/Edit the categories" -> "Edit properties' catergoy" -> "Link to add a ticket in the category"
(in french "Services -> Sélectionner un service -> Voir/modifier les catégories -> Editer les propriétés de la catégorie -> Lien pour ajouter un ticket dans la catégorie.")

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