
    Chargement en cours...

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    Chargement en cours...

The managers of a department are users with apriviledged role for this department: answering users' requests.

The department managers are managed by:

  • the administrators fo the application,
  • the granted managers of the department (see below). 

Manager priviledges

With this granularity, users can be set managers without being granting them to do anything for the department.

Adding a manager

Adding a manager is easy since it can be done by searching the LDAP directory:

Manager preferences

On the 'Preferences' page, managers are presented an additional link:

Managers can, for each department, set the way they monitor tickets. Predefined policies are proposed:

  • None,
  • Minimum,
  • Medium,
  • Assidue,
  • Complete,
  • Custom (managers define their own policy).

Managers can also receive daily reports (up to two reports each day) by email.

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