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Changes in versions 1.8.x
Changes in version 1.8.8
Bug fix
- HTML special characters in the names of uploaded files made the channel crash (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.8.7
Bug fixes
- PortalException on XML rendering when printing the history of tickets with messages containing URLs with HTML special characters (Pascal Aubry).
- NullPointerException when printing tickets with no action (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.8.6
Bug fixes
- when removing a department manager, all the tickets managed by the user (in all the departments) were freed or re-assigned (Pascal Aubry).
- hypertext links were not added to all the URLs of ticket messages (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Bertrand Decouty).
- view the complete history when acting on a ticket (Pascal Aubry, requested by Philippe Lecler).
Changes in version 1.8.5
Bug fixes
- actions were not quotable when using customization class ICustomUserUrl (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
- tickets could not be closed when using the French interface (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
Changes in version 1.8.4
- now cache the remote address instead of resolving at each request (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.8.3
Bug fix
- Ticket could not always be closed due to a Javascript bug (pointed out by Katy Santerre and François Dagorn).
Changes in version 1.8.2
Bug fixes
- NullPointerException in guest mode when the HTTP session is not correctly initialized (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gougeon).
- added a map of the deployers (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.8.1
Bug fixes
- the language in guest mode was not taken into account for error messages (Pascal Aubry).
- Javascript error on page ticketDisplay due to ill-formed CRs in resource bundles (Pascal Aubry).
- NullPointerException on ticket creation when choosing 'no category' in a virtual department (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Nicolas Heurtel, Francesco Dercole and Jacky Ruder).
- Javascript errors on help popups due to unescaped quotes (Pascal Aubry).
- the welcome page could be reached by unauthenticated users on session loss (Pascal Aubry).
- added the roadmap (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.8.0
Bug fix
- when needed, create the parent directories of the directories used for the storage of uploaded files and Lucene data (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Simon Du).
New features
- added deep linking for external users (Pascal Aubry, with Susan Bramhall's help).
- added session Single Sign-On for external users (Pascal Aubry).
- it is now possible to configure the usage of CAS for hypertext links thanks to configuration tag /config/cas-auth (Pascal Aubry).
- external users can choose their language prior to authentication (Pascal Aubry).
- do not send emails to users if they can not see the last action of the ticket they monitor (Pascal Aubry, requested by Olivier Ziller).
- ant targets do not change the configuration of log4j any more (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gougeon).
- improved exception reports (Pascal Aubry).
- decreased the number of database requests by not using table helpdesk_sort_options any more, the table can be manually removed after the upgrade (Pascal Aubry).
- changed class CEmails to add the possibility to specify the type of the quick links (guest or authenticated) sent by email (Pascal Aubry). Customization classes implementing ICustomTicketMonitoring needed to be adapted.
Other changes
- a JDK 1.5 is now needed to compile and run.
- added the 'demo' feature (Pascal Aubry).
- unauthenticated user now use the default language of the channel (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in versions 1.7.x
Changes in version 1.7.21
Bug fix
- NullPointerException when retrieving the attributes of users memorized by the channel but removed from uPortal (Pascal Aubry).
New feature
- added ant target test-date to help tracing desynchronization between servers (Pascal Aubry).
Other change
- changed the pattern of URLs sent in emails (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.7.20
Bug fixes
- alerts were not always sent (Alexandre Boisseau).
- textareas could not be resized (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gougeon).
- URLs in ticket actions were not correctly parsed, sometimes causing tickets nto to be displayed (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
Changes in version 1.7.19
- XSL code was changed to be run with uPortal 2.5 (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.7.18
Bug fix
- all the privileges of department managers could not be edited properly (Alexandre Boisseau, pointed out by Bruno Garnier).
- when assigning a ticket to a manager and choosing the automatic assignment feature, nothing was happening when the customization class was returning no user; now a warning is printed (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Raymond Bourges).
- a new look for the web site (Julien Le thuaut).
Changes in version 1.7.17
Bug fixes
- XML special characters in LDAP search results were not correctly escaped (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau).
- empty pages could be shown on the control panel in some rare circumstances (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Pierre-Antoine Angelini).
Changes in version 1.7.16
Bug fix
- <not> conditions were not corretly evaluated in customization class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.departmentSelection.CXmlConfig when omitting the condition of rules (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin and Bruno Garnier).
- improved the presentation of exception reports (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.7.15
Bug fixes
- NullPointerException thrown by customization class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.departmentSelection.CXmlConfig when omitting the condition of rules (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Bruno Garnier).
- Javascript bug at ticket assignment (Alexandre Boisseau).
- expiration dates were not computed correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by François Dagorn).
- default preferences for ticket monitoring can be set by configuration (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in version 1.7.14
Bug fixes
- NullPointerException thrown by customization class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.departmentSelection.CXmlConfig when using configuration tags <external-user/> or <portal-user/> (Pascal Aubry).
- MissingPropertyException thrown when sending emails to external users (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Frédéric Coudrin).
- NullPointerException on the welcome page for unauthenticated users (Pascal Aubry).
- removed character '^' from search expressions (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sylvain De Féo).
- external users could not get their initial password by email (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Claude Bourasseau).
- visibility icon was not correct on the ticketDisplay page (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau).
- added the version number on the about page (Alexandre Boisseau, requested by Sébastien Gougeon).
Changes in version 1.7.13
Bug fix
- NullPointerException thrown by customization class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.departmentSelection.CXmlConfig when using configuration tag <department-manager/> (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gougeon).
Changes in version 1.7.12
Bug fixes
- the 'take and close' feature was not working in departments where managers must precise the time spent on ticket closure (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Raymond Bourges and Sylvain De Féo).
- NullPointerException when re-opening free tickets (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- integrity constraint violation when automatically replacing an external user by the portal user corrresponding to the external user's email, in some rare circumstances (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Louis Fresneau).
- HibernateException on the journal page when filtering a department (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Jean-François Radenac).
- try to reopen LDAP connections when search fails (Pascal Aubry).
- in package esup-helpdesk-quick-start, added property esup-helpdesk-quick-start.keystore.filename to parameter the keystore used to trust the CAS server (Pascal Aubry, requested by Philippe Lecler).
- corrected many Javascript errors (Pascal Aubry).
Other change
- improved the debug information dumped when unexpected exceptions are thrown (Pascal Aubry).
- by default, department managers now monitor all tickets (Pascal Aubry).
- corrected a few mistakes in the install instructions (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Shoji Kajita).
Changes in version 1.7.11
Bug fixes
- PropertyValueException at ticket creation (Julien Le Thuaut).
- managers could not set the time spent on tickets when using the 'take and close' feature (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Jacques-Olivier Houen-Farcy).
- added customization class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.userInfo.CXmlConfig that allows to choose the users' attributes that are automatically printed when creating a ticket (Pascal Aubry, requested by Odile Germès).
Changes in version 1.7.10
New Feature
- managers can take charge of a ticket and close it in a single action (Pascal Aubry, requested by Jean-Michel Antoine and Isabelle Le Vern).
Bug fixes
- bad LDAP parameters threw a NulPointerException (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Odile Germès).
- a PropertyValueException on CHelpdesk.CTicket.scope was thown when entering new tickets (Julien Le Thuaut).
- virtualizing a department made the control panel throw a StackOverFlowError (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Odile Germès).
- on ticket creation, virtual categories were not shown if all the categories of the department were virtual (Julien Le Thuaut).
- ill-formed XML output when changing the state of the application while buillding XML output (Pascal Aubry).
- administrators managing no department could not see the journal page (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- bad transition when administrators were clicking on actions on the journal page (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- removed undesired characters from search expressions (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- on ticket creation, could not enter ticket subject on IE (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Jacques-Olivier Houen-Farcy).
- default priority and visibility of new tickets were not correctly set (Julien Le Thuaut, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau).
- users closing their tickets could change the time spent on the ticket (Pascal Aubry).
- added the real category and all customization classes on page departmentDisplay (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau).
- added a text warning that ticket template data were not taken into account by all customization classes (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau).
- administrators can now edit all the privileges of department managers (Pascal Aubry).
- sorting the control panel now comes back to the first page (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau).
Other changes
- improved debug info when querying tickets for the control panel (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.7.9
New features
- the concept of ticket templates (Julien Le Thuaut, requested by Philippe Lecler).
- a new ticket scope is available: tickets can be shown on the control panel, but displayed its owners and the managers only; this state is called 'SUBJECT_ONLY' (Julien Le Thuaut, requested by Philippe Lecler).
- users' id can be searched in an LDAP directory (Julien Le thuaut and Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- an exception was thrown on the loss of user database connection (Pascal Aubry).
- only ticket managers could invite other users to monitor tickets (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau).
- added a maximum size for the user's name and the ticket label can be set in the configuration to truncate long ticket labels and usernames (Julien Le Thuaut, requested by Pascal Aubry).
- improved the look of the page prompting for the properties of new tickets (Alexandre Boisseau).
- class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.departmentSelection.CXmlConfig can now use uPortal groups to decide of the departments that are visible by users (Pascal Aubry, requested by Yassine Madmoune).
- added alt attributes to images (Alexandre Boisseau).
- exception due to configuration errors are now rendered by the channel (Pascal Aubry).
- check the existence and permissions of the directories used for indexing and upload (Pascal Aubry).
- moved the HOWTO into the FAQs (Pascal Aubry).
Other changes
- now send all the exceptions to (Pascal Aubry).
- the wrappers of customization classes now catch Throwable instead of Exception (Pascal Aubry).
Code changes
- factorized many parts of code to esup-hibernate (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.7.8
New features
- tickets can be re-opened (Pascal Aubry, requested by Brigitte Perrigault).
Bug fixes
- users seeing only one department and displaying the welcome page on ticket creation made the channel crash (Julien Le Thuaut).
- fixed a javascript bug when choosing the category on ticket creation (Julien Le Thuaut).
Changes in version 1.7.7
Bug fixes
- ticket ids were not indexed by Lucene (Alexandre Boisseau, pointed out by Jacques-Olivier Houen-Farcy).
- ill-formed ticket ids in URLs made the channel crash (Pascal Aubry).
- unexpected actions in about state were still throwing exceptions (Pascal Aubry).
- on the control panel, users still could not always see their own tickets if belonging to invisible departments (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Lidia Dorsaz).
- now memorize form values on 'back' actions (Julien Le Thuaut).
- users already monitoring a ticket were still invited to do it (Alexandre Boisseau).
- added file properties/esup-helpdesk-chanpub.xml to ease the publication of the channel into uPortal (Pascal Aubry).
- simplified the sequence and the appearance of the pages used to enter new tickets (Julien Le Thuaut).
- improved Javascript code on several pages (Julien Le Thuaut).
- added help popups (Julien Le Thuaut).
New features
- main maintenance tasks (except initdb and upgrade) can now be performed through web services thanks to package esup-helpdesk-utils(Pascal Aubry).
- added a popup on ticket closure, this feature can be disabled by users by editing their preferences (Pascal Aubry, requested by Colette Tanguy).
- on ticket assignment, managers can filter long lists of managers on category membership (Julien Le Thuaut, requested by Lidia Dorsaz).
- category changement can be followed by automatic assignment (Pascal Aubry, requested by Lidia Dorsaz).
- Added FAQs (Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in version 1.7.6
Bug fixes
- emails were not sent when launching external commands, such as ticket expiration (Pascal Aubry).
- some filters of the control panel were hiding personal tickets when they should not (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Michèle Guézou).
- refreshing the control panel now always works (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Stéphane Ayello).
- users could download files of invisible actions by knowing the file id (Pascal Aubry).
- customization classes returning a URL could have only one CGI parameter (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Demmierre).
- the date of 7 days old tickets was not printed correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Pierre-Antoine Angelini).
- the journal page could not be printed with some filters (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Odile Germès).
- some jars were not copied by target deploy-libs (release 2, Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Demierre).
New features
- the database can now be fed from an IMAP email account (Pascal Aubry).
- managers and ticket owners can invite other users to monitor tickets (Pascal Aubry, requested by Brigitte Perrigault).
- replaced external users by uPortal users when possible on channel instanciation (Pascal Aubry).
- added customization class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.examples.CCustomNewTicketAssignmentCyclical (Alexandre Boisseau).
- managers can be allowed to set their own availability (Pascal Aubry, requested by Lidia Dorsaz).
- added a basic popup based help system (Pascal Aubry).
- it is now possible to allow all portal users to use ticket privacy (Alexandre Boisseau).
- users can change the priority of their own tickets (Pascal Aubry, requested by Brigitte Perrigault).
- users monitoring tickets are displayed (Pascal Aubry, requested by Brigitte Perrigault).
Changes in version 1.7.5
Bug fixes
- users with unknown ids could be set managers (Alexandre Boisseau).
- files could not be uploaded when stored to filesystem (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Jacques-Olivier Houen-Farcy).
- javascript error in search page (Pascal Aubry).
- customizations of the resource bundles were not correctly encoded (Alexandre Boisseau, pointed out by Bruno Garnier).
- emails were correctly numbered in debug mode only (Sébastien Gaudin).
- exceptions reports with '<' characters could not be printed (Pascal Aubry).
- incorrect Lucene search expressions are now filtered (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sebastien Gaudin).
- fixed formatting errors in plain text emails (Alexandre Boisseau).
New features
- added customization class ICustomUserInfo (Pascal Aubry).
- tickets can be marked as read one by one (by clicking on the unread icon) or page by page, without displaying the tickets (Pascal Aubry, requested by Jean-Michel Antoine).
- users can navigate through tickets without coming back to the control panel page (Pascal Aubry, requested by Jean-Michel Antoine).
- administrators can view the actions of all the departments on the journal page (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- department managers can set ticket monitoring based on the category of tickets (Pascal Aubry, requested by Pierre-Antoine Angelini).
- users can resize the textarea used to write messages (Pascal Aubry, requested by François Dagorn and Pascal Gentil).
- added the status of tickets on the search page (Pascal Aubry, requested by Odile Germès).
- it is now possible to see on the history of tickets when they have been created by managers for other users (Pascal Aubry, requested by Michèle Guézou).
- made the downloadble files more visible (Pascal Aubry, requested by François Dagorn).
- added ant targets custom-classes-check and custom-classes-repair to manage customization classes (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau).
- now rely on properties and to build URLs (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu).
- users do not receive emails for actions they perform (Pascal Aubry, requested by Pierre-Antoine Angelini).
- users now receive emails when tickets expire (Pascal Aubry).
- if granted, managers can directly assign the ticket to a manager just after a ticket has been created (Pascal Aubry, requested by Jean-Michel Antoine).
Other changes
- added the possibility to print the current user's identity at the bottom of each page (Pascal Aubry).
- distinguish unexpected and unauthorized user actions to prevent from too many exception reports (Pascal Aubry).
- added developer target 'build-portal-jar' (Pascal Aubry).
- removed uPortal.jar from the classpath and the archives (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.7.4
Bug fixes
- the channel was crashing when retrieving empty uPortal attributes. (Alexandre Boisseau).
- categories were not really deleted (Alexandre Boisseau and Pascal Aubry).
- when using customization class CXmlConfig, attribute-like tags could crash the channel if no corresponding attributes were retrieved from uPortal (Pascal Aubry).
- property tomcat.port.http was not set in package esup-helpdesk-quick-start (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Frédéric Coudrin).
- fixed a few CSS mistakes (Alexandre Boiseau).
- rewrote uPortal attributes access layer, not relying on IPerson any more (Pascal Aubry with Mathieu Larchet's help, requested by Odile Germès).
- the link to advanced search page was not visible enough from the simple search page, replaced it by a button (Alexandre Boisseau).
- improved the display (miscelleaneous details) (Alexandre Boiseau).
- managers are now ordered by uid, waiting for Hibernate3 to order by display name (Alexandre Boiseau).
Other changes
- Update Hibernate jar files (Alexandre Boisseau):
- hibernate2.jar (hibernate-2.1.7.jar) --> hibernate-2.1.8.jar
- c3p0-0.8.5pre4.jar --> c3p0-
- cglib-full-2.0.1.jar --> cglib-full-2.0.2.jar
- ehcache-0.7.jar --> ehcache-0.9.jar
- Updated ant task deploy-libs: delete deprecated libraries and deploy up-to-date libraries for the channel (Alexandre Boisseau).
Code changes
- Customization classes now only throw CHibernateException and CCustomClassException (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.7.3
Bug fixes
- fixed CSS attributes of <li> tags to prevent from ugly displays on Firefox (Alexandre Boisseau).
- target initdb was buggy (Pascal Aubry).
- added the possibility to test the customization class CXmlConfig thanks to target department-selection-test (Pascal Aubry, requested by Odile Germès).
Changes in version 1.7.2
- on ticket creation, do not ask the department if only one department is visible by the user (Alexandre Boisseau, requested by Michèle Guézou).
- improved the display of department properties (Alexandre Boisseau).
- corrected special characters in custom classes description (Alexandre Boisseau).
- departments now always appear in the same order (Pascal Aubry, requested by Odile Germès).
- rewrote install/upgrade instructions (Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- it was impossible to change the auto-expiration time of departments (Alexandre Boisseau, pointed out by Pascal Aubry).
- the number of tickets displayed on the control panel was wrong, leading to bad pagination (Pascal Aubry).
Other changes
- ant target initdb (esup-helpdesk-channel) or helpdesk.initdb (esup-helpdesk-quick-start) must be used to initialize the database (Pascal Aubry).
Code changes
- now use ResourceBundle Editor ( to edit bundles (Alexandre Boisseau)
Changes in version 1.7.1
New feature
- added target expire-old-tickets (Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- ant target index-update was erasing the index (Pascal Aubry).
- multi-valuated attributes were not retrieved correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Odile Germès).
- improved CSearchException messages (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in version 1.7.0
New features
- added ticket indexation and search facilities (Pascal Aubry).
- added a journal page, visible by department managers only (Pascal Aubry).
- some messages were not complete (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- added pagination to the control panel (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- added class org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.custom.departmentSelection.CXmlConfig that allows the customization of the departments visible by users with an XML configuration file (Pascal Aubry and Sébastien Gougeon).
- now use correct uPortal CSS uPortal styles almost everywhere (Pascal Aubry, helped by Sébastien Gaudin and Vincent Repain).
- email headers can be encoded with another charset than the default one of the plateform (Pascal Aubry, requested by Shijia Quiang).
- added a current navigation item, focused in the navigation bar (Pascal Aubry).
- now cache user attributes at channel-level (Pascal Aubry).
- new ant targets are available: upgrade, create-index, update-index, move-uploaded-files-to-filesystem, move-uploaded-files-to-database (Pascal Aubry).
- changed the way exceptions are logged; the log file of the channel is much less verbose, which helps finding exceptions in debug mode (Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- automatic reloads of the control panel were relying on uPortal cache, thus really reloading data at cache expiration (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Stéphane Ayello).
- specified the encoding to use when deploying i18n bundles (Alexandre Boisseau).
- no lower-case uids were corrupting the user database (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
Other changes
- all string concatenations have been replaced by StringBuffer operations (Pascal Aubry).
- HQL queries are used to know if stored classes have instances (Pascal Aubry).
- now gather the SQL upgrading queries into a downloadable file (Pascal Aubry).
- missing tables and fields should not be automatically created any more; property of file helpdeskChannelHibernate.cfg.xml should be commented (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in versions 1.6.x
Changes in version 1.6.1
Bug fixes
- some error messages were not printed correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- an exception was thrown on ticket assignment when no manager was selected (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Marie Claire Brailly).
- managers could request information on tickets and connect them without being manager (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Alexandre Boisseau).
- actions were not displayed correctly when changing their visibility (Pascal Aubry).
- the channel was crashing on the control panel on particular filters (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Odile Germès).
- added hypertext links to URLs in the messages of actions (Pascal Aubry, requested by François Dagorn).
- several managers can be added to categories within a single operation (Alexandre Boisseau).
Other changes
- added a 'welcome' entry on the navigation bar and re-formated the welcome page (Pascal Aubry).
- added a message to exception reports to warn that exceptions can occur when using the navigation buttons ('back' and 'next') of web browser (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.6.0
New features
- users' display names can now be linked to external URLs thanks to a new customization class (Pascal Aubry, requested by Philippe Lecler).
- uploaded files can now be stored on a filesystem (to reduces the size of database dumps) or forbidden (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu).
- added the concept of 'virtual' categories, that automatically redirect their tickets to a real category (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alain Kermarrec).
- customizations can be placed in folder custom to be recovered by target recover-config when upgrading (Pascal Aubry, requested by Philippe Lecler).
- no mail is sent to anybody when the SMTP server is set to 'none' (Pascal Aubry).
- tickets of the control panel can now be filtered on the category of tickets (Sébastien Gougeon).
Bug fixes
- adding a new ticket when no category was found for a department made the channel crash when clicking on 'back' on the 'ticket properties' page (Pascal Aubry).
- managers could not be removed from categories (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- actions with scope 'owner and manager only' were not visible by managers (Pascal Aubry).
- when managers were creating tickets for other users, the customization class for the description of the ticket was called with the manager, not the user (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
- the minimum priority level for ticket monitoring by managers was not correctly recorded (Pascal Aubry).
- when adding a ticket, the category was not correctly selected when clicking 'back' from the 'describe your problem' page (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
- external users could retreive cached pages belonging to other external users (Pascal Aubry).
- attributes specified for the usage of ticket privacy were not taken into account (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
- some HQL requests were crashing MySQL (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- postponed tickets were not freed or reassigned when removing the privileges of their managers (Pascal Aubry).
- private actions could be quoted when adding information to a ticket (Pascal Aubry).
- actions with double quotes in the text could not be quoted (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by François Dagorn).
- a unique Hibernate session is used at each HTTP request, thus allowing full Hibernate caching (Pascal Aubry).
- category is now asked before the description of new tickets (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- users can now configure their preferences to use their uPortal language settings (Pascal Aubry with Shija Qiang's help, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- Hibernate now logs separately from uPortal (Pascal Aubry, requested by Alexandre Boisseau).
- external users are also proposed the 'welcome' page after authentication (Pascal Aubry).
- a 'ticket add' button was added to the welcome page (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- added a 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' hidden input in each upload form (Pascal Aubry).
- now reset the exception manager when an exception is thrown while downloading a file (Pascal Aubry).
- improved page caching (Pascal Aubry and Sébastien Gaudin).
- removed debugging overhead by systematically calling isDebugEnabled() before writing debug information (Alexandre Boisseau).
- managed departments are now emphasized in the selection list of the control panel (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- default action for unauthenticated users is to authenticate instead of receiving their password (Pascal Aubry, requested by Isabelle Le Vern).
- emails are now sent synchronously (Alexandre Boisseau).
Code changes
- added internationalization support to the descriptions of customization classes (Pascal Aubry, requested by Isabelle Le vern). Existing customization classes should be updated to fit to ICustom modifications (signature of method ICustom.getDescription() has changed, see the examples provided within the distribution).
- data fields were added to improve performance on the refreshment of the control panel (Pascal Aubry).
- moved all the classes implementing session variables to package org.esupportail.portal.channels.CHelpdesk.vars to reduce the size of (Pascal Aubry).
- updated to Hibernate 2.1.7 (Pascal Aubry).
- added instructions for CVS access (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in versions 1.5.x
Changes in version 1.5.13
- use uPortal caching system (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- added a 'quite static' entry page for non-managers to reduce XSL transformations (Pascal Aubry, requested by Vincent Mathieu).
- added the possibility for administrators to manage categories (Sébastien Gaudin).
- the customization class for department selection is now used for the selection list of the control panel (Sébastien Gaudin), the department list and the choice of the department for new tickets (Pascal Aubry).
- redirected configuration error messages to the channel log file (Pascal Aubry).
- added configuration controls (Pascal Aubry).
Code change
- CHibernateChannel now implements ICacheable (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.12
Bug fixes
- now allow null displayName uPortal attributes (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler).
- malicious external users could bypass authentication (Pascal Aubry).
- users could reach the control panel even when no service was visible (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
- URLs sent to external users were incorrect (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
- redirected all debug information to the channel log file (Pascal Aubry).
- many typos in the French translation (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
Changes in version 1.5.11
Bug fixes
- changing the visibility of an action could make the channel crash (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Stéphane Ayello).
- unauthorized actions were proposed to unprivileged managers in categories edition (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Katy Santerre).
- mistakes were corrected in exception reports (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.10
Bug fixes
- summary display when adding a department could make the channel crash (Sébastien Gaudin)
- tickets having invisible actions performed by the application (with no user) could not be displayed (Pascal Aubry).
- spent time was not computed correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
- administrators can manage the managers and categories of all departments (Sébastien Gaudin).
- useless text has been removed from the properties page when adding a new ticket (Pascal Aubry, requested by everybody).
- ticket assignments were not displayed correctly (Pascal Aubry).
- changes of owner were not displayed correctly (Pascal Aubry).
- changes of action visibility were not displayed correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
- users with an empty display name were not displayed correctly (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Isabelle Le Vern).
- quoting previous actions is now possible for all ticket actions (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.9
Bug fixes
- file was missing (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sebastien Gaudin).
- could not get back from some states when adding tickets (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sebastien Gaudin).
- bad regular expression was used to check email pattern (Sébastien Gaudin).
- administrators can now manage managers of any service (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- relative path of property deploy.home was replaced by absolute path of property deploy.home (Pascal Aubry, proposed by Shija Qiang).
Changes in version 1.5.8
Bug fix
- tickets were always set free on category change (Pascal Aubry).
- the filter bar of the control panel is now displayed with comprehensive select lists in place of checkboxes (Pascal Aubry).
- ugly mailto links have been suppressed (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin and Vincent Mathieu
Changes in version 1.5.7
Bug fix
- all user preferences are now stored in the database (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Stéphane Ayello).
- on ticket display, the page is only refreshed when users try to perform an action and the ticket was changed by another user (Pascal Aubry, requested by François Dagorn).
- steps were not correctly numbered in the French translation (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Sébastien Gaudin).
- it is now possible to quote previous actions when filling message (Pascal Aubry, requested by Stéphane Ayello).
Changes in version 1.5.6
New features
- logs of the channel now follow ESUP-Portail standards and are treated independently from uPortal logs (Pascal Aubry, requested by Sébastien Gaudin).
- users can now close their own tickets (Pascal Aubry, requested by Hélène Richy).
- the presence of all configuration files is checked before installing (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.5
New features
- tickets can now be assigned to the first available manager of categories (Pascal Aubry).
- since 1.5.5-2, esup-helpdesk-quick-start now embeds esupdev-20041009, i.e. uPortal 2.3.5 (Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- automatic assignment with class CNewTicketAssignmentRandom was crashing when no manager was available (Pascal Aubry).
- effective action scope is now set to 'OWNER' when ticket scope is 'PRIVATE' (Pascal Aubry).
- nobody could act on private tickets (Pascal Aubry).
- target recover-config allows users to recover their previous configuration files and customizations automatically when upgrading, also works for package esup-helpdesk-quick-start (Pascal Aubry).
- added a help page (Pascal Aubry).
- changed the display of locks in ticket display output (Alexandre Boisseau).
Code changes
- moved class CRemoteInfo to package esup-hibernate-channel (Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in versions 1.5.4
New features
- managers can now change the order of categories (Alexandre Boisseau).
- tickets can now be monitored on a per-ticket basis (Alexandre Boisseau).
- ticket and action privacy can now be used by external users, depending on the configuration (Pascal Aubry).
- external users (i.e. authenticated with their email address) can now administrate the application and manage departments (Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- display for automatic assignments is now correct (Alexandre Boisseau).
- messages associated with action scope are now translated (Alexandre Boisseau).
- scope could not be changed for all actions (Alexandre Boisseau).
- default ticket visibility was not set correctly when creating departments (Alexandre Boisseau).
- added the possibility to edit the default ticket priority of existing departments (Alexandre Boisseau).
- email formatting, in particular text format (Alexandre Boisseau).
- took into account the avaibility of managers (Alexandre Boisseau).
Code changes
- version is checked at startup and arbitrary code can be executed (for instance on the database) to allow smarter upgrades. This feature is used in 1.5.4 to order categories (Pascal Aubry).
- added a HOWTO (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.3
New feature
- user can test esup-helpdesk-channel without needing a uPortal instance thanks to package esup-helpdesk-quick-start (Pascal Aubry).
Bug fixes
- emails are now correctly translated (Alexandre Boisseau).
- restored properties/ (Pascal Aubry).
- when removing a manager, look for managed tickets, and propose to assign them to another manager or to free them (Alexandre Boisseau).
Code changes
- moved most of save and update actions on CTicket and CAtion objects to CTicket and CActionFactory classes (Alexandre Boisseau).
- added esup-hibernate-channel/misc/uPortal.jar to compile without uPortal classes (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.2
- libs are not deployed anymore, to fit to ESUP-Portail deployment rules; user should now use the deploy-libs target or manually copy the jars to uPortal deployment hierarchy (Alexandre Boisseau).
- send only one mail when a ticket is automaticaly assigned after creation (Alexandre Boisseau).
- now use uPortal logging service (Alexandre Boisseau).
- default priority is now set correctly at ticket creation (Pascal Aubry).
- preset the client hostname at ticket creation (Alexandre Boisseau).
- added instructions to configure uPortal to make direct URLs work (Alexandre Boisseau).
- added a troubleshooting page (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.1
New Feature
- added personnal translation files to customize HTML output without modifying XSL and properties source files (Alexandre Boisseau).
- added a customization class to preselect departments when adding new tickets (Alexandre Boisseau).
Bug fixes
- direct URLs to a specific ticket are working again, for portal users only (Alexandre Boisseau).
- fixed the path of the Hibernate mapping file and DTD in helpdeskChannelHibernate.cfg.xml (Alexandre Boisseau, pointed out by Bruno Garnier).
- department filtering is now correctly recalled (Alexandre Boisseau).
- now catch exceptions thrown by the exception manager
(Pascal Aubry).
- corrected miscellaneous misspellings in the French translation (Alexandre Boisseau)
- added howto, upgrade and custom documentation pages (Pascal Aubry).
Changes in version 1.5.0
New Features
- restrained the visibility of tickets and actions (Alexandre Boisseau).
- allowed users to change the visibility of an action once the action is done (Alexandre Boisseau).
- allowed users to upload files when creating tickets (Alexandre Boisseau).
- reduced the number of steps needed to add a ticket (Alexandre Boisseau).
- allowed users to skip the welcome page when adding a new ticket (Alexandre Boisseau).
- added the possibility to embolden changed tickets in user preferences (Alexandre Boisseau).
Bug fixes
- null email for non portal user (Alexandre Boisseau).
- action scope was not memorized when pushing back buttons (Alexandre Boisseau).
- unauthenticated users' emails were displayed 'null' by default (Alexandre Boisseau).
Code changes
- moved sort-criterias and filter-options tickets to CUser.toXML() (Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in versions 1.4.x
Changes in version 1.4.4
Bug fix
- a side-efect of internationalization prevented guest users to connect (Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in version 1.4.3
New Feature
- added French translation (Alexandre Boisseau).
Bug fixes
- managers were not reordered correctly within groups after deletion of one of them (Pascal Aubry)
- added the escapment of exception stack traces (Alexandre Boisseau).
- when removing a category member, order of members is now updated (Pascal Aubry).
- managers can now change the owner of tickets (Alexandre Boisseau)
- store the state of the automatic assignment algorithm at department-level, used for new tickets when no category is selected by users (Alexandre Boisseau)
- added links in summary pages when adding objects to let users modify the objects properties before the effective creation (Alexandre Boisseau).
- updated ticket are now bolded on the control panel (Alexandre Boisseau).
- changed the appearance of mails sent to users (Alexandre Boisseau).
- improved look n feel of departmentDisplay (Alexandre Boisseau).
Code changes
- added bundles to prepare internationalization (Alexandre Boisseau)
- changed the hierarchy of XSL stylesheets (Alexandre Boisseau).
Changes in version 1.4.2
Bug fix
- managers can now change the subject of tickets (Pascal Aubry)
- added style in HTML emails (Pascal Aubry)
Code changes
- moved org.esupportail.portal.channels.* to org.esupportail.portal.channels.hibernate (Pascal Aubry)
Changes in version 1.4.1
Bug fixes
- the channel was breaking down when cancelling a ticket (Pascal Aubry)
- the list of the actions of a ticket is now sent along with the general information (Pascal Aubry)
- cleaned the session parameters used when adding a department (Pascal Aubry)
- improved look n feel of page groupAdd() (Pascal Aubry)
- added the possibility for managers to change the category of tickets (Pascal Aubry)
Other changes
- now only distribute example configuration files (Pascal Aubry)
- moved all build.xml development stuff to build-devel.xml (Pascal Aubry)
Changes in version 1.4.0
New Feature
- added the possibility to pre-select departments for user adding new tickets (Pascal Aubry)
- improved the preemption of customization classes (Pascal Aubry)
Bug fix
- the application was not starting correctly with an empty database (Pascal Aubry, pointed out by Philippe Lecler)
Other changes
- CHelpdeskConfig.xml: tag /config/custom/default-classes/department-selection moved to /config/custom/department-selection-class (Pascal Aubry)
Version 1.3.0
1.3.0 was the first release officially distributed (Pascal Aubry, Alexandre Boisseau, Baptiste Coquelle).
Vue d'ensemble
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