
The configuration file ( is used to configure the behaviour of the application at runtime.


From 3.30

The file is no more integrated in the application. (No more need recover config utility. Version control compatible. Easy upgrade in case of bug correction)

To use this externalized properties file, use the -Dconfig.location parameter on the java command line.

Tomcat example:

set JAVAOPTS="-Dconfig.location=/path/to/";

See chapter Configuring the application And adapt web.xml (see Installation 3.30)

You also find an exhaustive list of those properties can be found in the file from sources.

If you want to use a specific log configuration, please specify a specific log4j configuration file with this parameter on the java command line:


Prior 3.30

The configuration file /properties/ is used to configure the behaviour of the application at runtime. An exhaustive list of those properties can be found in the distributed file /properties/

Configure esup-helpdesk online!

Go to in order to generate the configuration files interactively!

Note for developers

Other properties can be added to the configuration file /properties/ and used and the Spring configuration files.

Recovering the configuration when upgrading

The configuration file /properties/ is automatically recovered from previous versions when upgrading (see Recovering previous configuration and customizations when upgrading).

Configuring the application

Excepted when indicated, all the properties are optional ((étoile) icons mark the parts where properties are required).

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