
La liste d'utilisateurs n'est pas rendue car vous ne possédez pas les droits d'accès nécessaires pour afficher les profils utilisateur.

Arborescence des pages

All the properties are defined in the configuration file /properties/

Using LDAP

Not to use LDAP, set this property to false :


Server URL (required) 


Server authentication

An anonymous connection is used by default:


Search base (required)


User path

By default ou=people. With the default values, users will be searched for in dc=domain,dc=edu,ou=people


Unique id attribute

The attribute that holds the users' unique id:


Display name attribute

The attribute that holds the users' display name:


Email address attribute

The attribute that holds the users' email address:


Search attributes

The attributes on which the LDAP searches will be performed:


With the default values, searching smith in the LDAP directory will correspond to the filter cn=*smith*.

Test filter

This property is used when running the ant task test-ldap:


Connect timeout

The connect timeout of the server (in milliseconds):


Attributes retrieved

The (comma-separated) list of the attributes retrieved when extracting a user:


Attributes shown on the search page

The attibutes displayed to clearly identify users when LDAP searches return several entries:

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