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The expiration and archiving of tickets is done by the asynchonous ant tasks expire-tickets and archive-tickets (see 03 Administration) using the properties below (set in /properties/


Latency before expiration

The time before a ticket is automatically expired by the application if the closure of a ticket is not approved by its owner:


Allowed units are m (month) and d (day).

Latency before archiving

The time before a ticket is automatically archived by the application once approved or expired:


Allowed units are m (month), d (day) and h (hour).


See: 03 Administration

Expiring non approved tickets

Expiring non approved tickets is done by the ant task expire-tickets, which sould be called periodically. For instance, on a Unix system from a crontab:

02 * * * * root /usr/local/helpdesk/ expire-tickets

Archiving approved or expired tickets

Archiving tickets is done by the ant task archive-tickets, which sould be called periodically. For instance, on a Unix system from a crontab:

03 * * * * root /usr/local/helpdesk/ archive-tickets
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