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Create the esup-helpdesk project by checkout from the SVN repository

The esup-helpdesk project must be installed exactly at the same location as the esup-commons, as ../esup-commons is used to get the esup-commons project from the ant tasks of the esup-helpdesk project. If the esup-commons project has been installed in C:\devel\esup-commons, then install the esup-helpdesk project in C:\devel\esup-helpdesk.

  • Drag the build-devel.xml file to the ant view (this file should be used when developing esup-helpdesk, not build.xml!)
  • Launch the _prepare task to create the folders
  • Set up the build path of the esup-helpdesk project:
    • Define /src as the source folder
    • Define /build/WEB-INF/classes as the output folder
    • Make the esup-helpdesk project depend on the esup-commons project
    • Import all the jars found in the folder /webapp/WEB-INF/lib

Your esup-helpdesk project is now ready to be used.

Ant tasks

When developing esup-helpdesk, the tasks prefixed by _ (underscore) should be used. For instance, use _start, not start!

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