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Checkout from the SVN repository

Use this location instead:!

Create a new folder for the project (c:\devel\esup-commons), and create the project itself:

The project is empty at this step, the build path will be configured later.

Create the folders

Drag the file build.xml to the ant view:

Launch the prepare task (the folder /build/WEB-INF/classes will be created, it is needed to configure the build path).

Refresh the project to show the folder /build/WEB-INF/classes:

Refresh the ant view to clear remaining errors.

Configure the source folder, the build path and the libraries

Configure the build path:

Define the folder /src as the source folder of the project:

Update the output folder used by the compiler:

Add all the libraries of folders /utils/lib and /webapp/WEB-INF/lib (they are not all present on the screenshot below):

Export the libraries to make them available to all the projects that will later depends on the esup-commons project:

Apply Checkstyle to the esup-commons project

Right-click on the project to edit its properties:

Enable Checkstyle for the project:

Checkstyle warning messages should now appear in the Problems view.

The esup-commons project is now ready to be used.

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