ESUP server WebDAV changeLog |
2008.01.31 : release 5.2
+ add: now regexpPattern parameter for createSpace command of ESUPWDServerManager
+ fixed: URIEncoding in server.xml file and better tomcat conf deployment in build.xml file (Brigitte Wallaert)
2007.11.08 : release 5.2RC5
+ SECURITY FIX: Add of a sax DummyEntityResolver to avoid XML Entity attack
+ fixed: Change slide_remoteLocation to http://sourcesup.cru.fr/esup-webdav-srv/slide/jakarta-slide-server-src-2.1.zip after slide project end
+ fixed: noClassDefFoundError with shibRoleStore (may also occur if -Ddrools.compiler=JANINO jvm option is not set)
+ fixed: in shibFilter "Shib-NameId" was not read if EPPN=""
+ add: now use tomcat 5.5
2007.10.12 : release 5.2RC4
+ Refactoring of admin Web Service
+ Add a example file in custom/tomcat in order to add this folder in zip dist file to avoid an error during ant deploy task (bug #3379)
+ New IAdminWS Interface for Admin Web Service for XFire client integration
+ New default keystore now CRU ac-racine and cyber-trust-edu
2007.08.28 : release 5.2RC3
+ Now, by default, everyone can read / on webdav server
+ Java option for Drools set in server.start ant target (-Ddrools.compiler=JANINO)
+ ESUPWDServerManager now well uses /properties for properties (change in java and deploy ant task)
+ run.bat for ESUPWDServerManager no more supported but run-client ant task works
+ ESUPWDServerManager now supports https
+ ESUPWDServerManager cans find configuration.xml everywhere in classpath
+ New build-devel.xml and properties for developers
+ Fixed: Refactoring UPortalRolesStoreV2 (bug #3270)
+ Fixed: better management if rule not present in ShibRolesStore (bug #3273)
+ Minor change in documentation (dependences, ...)
+ Changelog integrated in web site
+ custom directory now only contents example
+ extra developer files no more integrated into distributed zip file
2007.06.27 : release 5.2RC2
+ Complement of the documentation (new uPortal store, use of jdk 1.5, ...)
2007.06.25 : release 5.2RC1
+ ***** Add of a new uportal store (UPortalRolesStoreV2) for a new webservice
+ new sort in the DirectoryIndexGenerator class
2007.06.06 : release 5.1RC1
+ Add of a new filter named redirectFilter
2007.05.10 : release 5.0RC1
+ Add of the Shib Filter
+ Add of the Shib Store
2007.03.30 : release 3.5
+ Add of an alphabetical sorter in the DirectoryIndexGenerator class
+ Add of a messages_fr.properties
+ Change of the DirectoryIndexGenerator class
2007.02.08 : release 3.5RC12
+ Amendment of the type Integer into Long
2007.02.05 : release 3.5RC11
+ fixing a bug in the ESUPWDServerManager
2006.12.20 : release 3.5RC10
+ ***** Amendment of the values "cache.refresh.checkrate", "cache.refresh.rate" and "cache.refresh.threshold" in the Domain.xml file.
+ patch of the SlideException class
+ ***** change ConversionPattern in log4j.xml file for better logs
+ Change the logs of the UPortalRolesStore class to be in the same mind of the Slide classes
2006.11.29 : release 3.5RC9
+ Amendment of the values "cache.refresh.checkrate", "cache.refresh.rate" and "cache.refresh.threshold" in the Domain.xml file.
+ fixing bug "No access to the roles branch" (bug #1329)
+ fixing bug "No trusted certificate found error at start" (bug #1219)
+ fixing bug "If LDAP scope not well specified --> no log error" (bug #1318)
2006.11.08 : release 3.5RC8
+ fixing a bug in sub group evaluation (bug #1219)
2006.11.03 : release 3.5RC7
+ fixing a major bug that could lead to permissions problems
2006.09.19 : release 3.5RC6
+ fixing a minor bug that prevented the ESUPWebdavManager client to put large quotas on the server
2006.07.12 : release 3.5RC5
+ fixing a minor bug that could prevent "Quota exceeded" exceptions to be thrown
2006.06.13 : release 3.5RC4
+ slight uPortal store cache improvements
+ fixing bug with accents in the QuotaListener (put and putAfter methods)
+ Quota MacOS patch by Waling Dijkstra
2006.04.26 : release 3.5RC3
+ fixing bugs 554 719 727 728 760
2006.04.14 : release 3.5RC2
+ fixing bugs 571 576 648 579 672 575 685
+ feature request 555 556 557 558 560
+ packaging improvements
+ adding the online documentation sources