Projet OAE
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Fichier config, cfg ?

Sakai utilise le framework Sling où les fichiers de configuration sont stockés et lus (via la classeConfigurationHandler de Felix) de sling/config de votre répertoire Nakamura. La structure du répertoire à l'intérieur, reflète le package (package org.sakaiproject.nakamura.auth.cas→ org/sakaiproject/nakamura/auth/cas) et le fichier correspond au nom de la classe (class CasAuthenticationHandler →CasAuthenticationHandler.config).

Remarque : Quand vous configurez un bundle dans la console Sling, la configuration est d'ailleurs stockées dans ces fichiers-là.

Une autre façon de configurer le framework existe par le biais des fichiers .cfg du répertoire load. Ces fichiers peuvent être chargés à n'importe quel moment ou après le démarrage et sont gérés par Felix FileInstall1). Ce format de fichier ne supporte que des couples simples clé/valeur. La structure est simplement nom du package . class . cfg. Exempleload/

Remarque : Si un .cfg existe, une modification via la console Sling le mettra également à jour.

Reducing the JavaScript Debug Logging

Extrait de “Sakai OAE Deployment and Management”, page 98

By default, OAE is set to a relatively high level of JavaScript debugging output. To reduce this in production, modify the sakai-ux/dev/configuration/config.js file, setting displayDebugInfo to false. Setting this to false also removes the debugging i8n_debug language choice from the Language drop down list in the My account Preferences settings.

Outgoing Email

Extrait de “Sakai OAE Deployment and Management”, page 97

Sakai OAE can send email to people when something interesting happens in the system, like an invitation to connect with someone or a new message in the inbox. To configure the email-out system, connect to the system console, and click the Configurationbutton (http://localhost:8080/system/console/configMgr).

The configuration parameters for outgoing email are Click the pencil icon to modify the settings. By default email messages appear to come from the email address, which one hopes people will not attempt to reply to. Modify the Reply-As Address and Reply-As Name to reflect your university standard. Myedu Community Manager

Mail can be sent via local smtp or from an institutional smtp server. Configuration options are provided for authenticated sends and encryption of the outbound connection.

The amount and kind of mail coming from OAE can’t currently be throttled. Keep an ear to your community’s tolerance for automated messages from OAE. If you need to disable mail, one option is to configure your smtp server to capture messages from the OAE application server and redirect them to /dev/null. An alternative is to leave the LiteOutgoingEmailMessageListenerconfiguration in an ineffectual state. If you do, also set the maximum number of retries low and the interval between retries high in order to reduce the load of a subsystem you don’t intend to make work.

Architecture possible et liste des ports

Issu (mais légèrement modifié pour ajouter le port 8443) de “Sakai OAE Deployment and Management”, page 122

Un environnement de production Sakai OAE peut être complexe et éclaté comme aussi simple que de tout faire fonctionner sur une même machine.

Architecture d'un environnement de production possible

Liste des ports :


port 443Standard https port, configured in Apache virtual host entry to forward to 8080
port 8443Custom https port, configured in Apache virtual host entry to forward to 8082
port 8080Sakai OAE application port; if the preview processor is on a separate machine, it needs to communicate with the OAE application server on 8080
port 8082Sakai OAE content port; user uploaded files are delivered on port 8082, rather than on the application code port of 8080
port 25 or 587Outbound email port; port 25 is the standard for SMTP; port 587 is often enabled instead for email submission in order to reduce spam distribution on the standard SMTP port
port 389 or 636LDAP port for contacting the authentication service; port 636 is the standard encrypted LDAPS port; clear transmission on port 389 should be avoided
port 1521Default Oracle JDBC port
port 5432Default PostgreSQL JDBC port
port 8983Solr communication port, if you set up a separate solr server
port 8100Expected port for the preview processor to communicate with Open Office on the same host; this port need not be opened to extra-host communication


A propos de la suppression de comptes

Extrait de “Sakai OAE Deployment and Management”, chapitre 5, page 78

“This is probably a good time to mention one of the more unexpected design choices regarding the user delete function. There isn’t one. User login credentials can be revoked. User profiles can be hidden from the view of everyone but the system administrators. User accounts can’t be destroyed, however.

OAE assumes a high level of collaboration among its participants. Everyone who contributes material, or modifies it, or comments on it, becomes in that act a part of the community memory. Removing an account would require removal or reconceptualization of all that memory.”

Sakai OAE Deployment and Management

Un livre intitulé “Sakai OAE Deployment and Management” est disponible depuis début Juin 2012.

Une version limitée (preview) est disponible sur Safari Books Online montrant la table des matières avec le chapitre 4 - Making the Look and Feel Your Own consultable intégralement.


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