
February 6th, 2018


Université Paris Descartes
Siège de l’Université
12, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine

Conference room

Amphithéâtre Vulpian

Nearest subway station




All sessions were recorded and are now available on:

09:45 Welcome session [FR][EN]

   > Alain Mayeur (Président -- ESUP-Portail)
   > Ian Dolphin (Executive Director -- Apereo Foundation)

=> Slides / Video (@ 0:00:00)

10:00 – Learning Analytics: Where we are, and where we need to go... [EN]

Michael and Ian will examine the current context of learning analytics, discuss some of the obstacles to the use of learner generated data, and examine early successes and issues in the context of the Jisc national service in the UK, and other initiatives. The presentation will conclude with an examination of emerging "big issues" in learning analytics - stimulating “informed consent”, managing user consent, what constitutes an open algorithm, and how this intersects with “the right to understand” embodied in the GDPR.
   > Ian Dolphin (Executive Director -- Apereo Foundation)
   > Michael Webb (Director of Technology and Analytics -- Jisc)

=> Slides / Video (@ 0:20:55)

11:00 – Esup-Pay, to facilitate online payment [FR]  

   > Vincent Bonamy (Software Engineer -- Université de Rouen)

=> Slides / Video (@ 1:19:00)

11:25 – Karuta 2018: new release, new testimonies, on the way to new innovations! [FR] 

   > Anne Bonnefoy (Cheffe du Pôle Connaissance et accompagnement des publics -- Le Cnam)
    > Jean-Jacques Curtelin (Maître de Conférences -- Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc)
   > Olivier Gerbé (Associate Professor -- HEC Montréal / Président -- ePortfolium)
   > Thierry Koscielniak (Directeur national du numérique adjoint -- Le Cnam)

=> Slides / Video  (@ 1:41:00)

14:00 – uPortal 5: The Path Forward [EN]

The newest version of uPortal –version 5.0– is a very significant update. For this release, the community of uPortal developers took on an ambitious list of features, fixes, and improvements. Development efforts around uPortal 5 spanned the majority of 2017: the first milestone release (5.0.0-M1) was available in time for the Open Apereo conference in early June, but the final 5.0.0 release wasn't available until October 24. Since then, the pace of innovation and enhancement has not slowed. Already as of late December (the time of writing), uPortal 5.0.3 is available. By the time of this conference (February 6th), we will have 5.0.4 and perhaps 5.0.5. Here are some of the key benefits of uPortal 5:
   - WCAG 2.0 Level AA Accessibility
   - A new configuration/deployment paradigm – external configuration
   - Use uPortal binaries produced and published by Apereo
   - Reduced "Learning Curve" – get up & running in minutes, even if you're not a Java developer uPortal-start – a streamlined way to work with uPortal tecnology
   - A new standard for pluggable content – Soffits!
   - A simpler, modern, Gradle-based build system
In this presentation, we will take a close look at the important changes in uPortal 5. We will examine the process of implementing uPortal 5, and especially why these changes will help you be much more productive with uPortal. We will also take a peek into the future of uPortal: the features and enhancements that are in development now. These include baked-in support for container-based (Docker) deployments, baked-in support for uPortal-home (the University of Wisconsin UI), and powerful new ways to leverage data from the field of Learning Analytics.
   > Drew Wills (Software Engineer -- Unicon, Inc.)

=> Slides / Video (@ 0:00:00)

15:00 – ESUP's recipe: How to easily install Grouper  [FR]

   > Pascal Rigaux (Software Engineer -- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
   > Vincent Bonamy (Software Engineer -- Université de Rouen)

=> Slides / Video  (@ 1:15:00)

15:40 – News/editorial content publication in portals [FR] 

    > Julien Gribonvald (Software Engineer -- GIP Recia)

=> Slides / Video (@ 1:37:55)

16:05 – OAE: Ongoing work & a taste of things to come [EN][FR]    

   > Claire Lozano (Developper -- Université de La Rochelle)  
   > Frédéric Dooremont (Chair of the "OAE" working group -- Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale)
   > Miguel Laginha (Tech Lead -- *Research)
   > Salla Karppinen (Web Developper -- *Research)

=> Slides : Part #1 ; Part #2  / Video  (@ 2:08:00)

16:40 – Pod: State of the project [FR]

   > Nicolas Can (Software Engineer – Université de Lille)

=> Slides / Video (@ 0:00:00)



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