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January 31st 2017


Université Paris Descartes
Siège de l’Université
12, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine

Conference room

Amphi Vulpian

How to get there?

Metro Odéon station

Full program (PDF)

> English version
French version 

As usual, the entire conference was recorded to make it possible for you to (re)watch the sessions given on that day => All videos are available on https://mediasd.parisdescartes.fr/#/collection?id=Wc3OYxFJsxX8_.

Please note that you can either choose to watch the sessions in their original version or in full English (in which you can hear the translators when people originally talked in French).

10:00 Opening/Welcome [FR][EN]

This session will open the fourth ESUP-Days/Apereo Paris conference. Representatives of both ESUP-Portail and Apereo will offer a quick overview of their objectives & missions, giving examples of their collaboration and contribution to open source software for Higher Education.
   > Alain Mayeur (Director of the ESUP-Portail Consortium -- Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis)
   > Ian Dolphin (Executive Director -- Apereo Foundation)

=> Slides / Video (@ 0:00)

10:15 – The Future of the Portal and uPortal 5 [EN]

The portal landscape has changed since being first introduced over 15 years ago. The old portal was one large application container natively hosting everything and delivering a lot of detailed content across many tabs. The next generation portal incorporates a more modern architecture and user interface. This presentation will share how a number of schools are approaching the next generation portal based upon user-focused research, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Indiana University. It will also discuss how uPortal is moving in this direction. uPortal 5 should be be easier to deploy and maintain, have a number of new options for modern user interfaces, and have improved internationalization. This presentation will review these plans, identify who may be contributing to the development, and look at possible timelines. A roundtable discussion will be held at the end of the session to look at how we might be able to move forward together and optimize our collaboration. Here are some ideas of topics we intend to talk about: How can our communities better collaborate, especially around uPortal? What are barriers to adoption? What are barriers to contributing? What is your view on the future of portals/uPortal? What brave, new ideas do you have for uPortal? What are some actions we can take to improve internationalization? As a representative of the uPortal Steering Committee, it will be very important for me to hear from our French colleagues as we look at priorities for this work so feel free to speak up. (If you are not comfortable in talking in English, don't worry about it: translators will be there to help us understand each other!)
   > Jim Helwig (Chair of the uPortal Steering Committee, Stratégiste en chef du portail MyUW -- Apereo Foundation / University of Wisconsin-Madison)

11:25 – Pod: State of the Project [FR]

Progress report of the project (versions), overview of the latest features being developed, examples of new partnerships, current roadmap, etc.
   > Nicolas Can (Coordinator of the "Video management" working group -- Université de Lille, Sciences et technologies)

=> Slides / Video (@ 1:23:35)

11:45 – Apereo CAS: State of the Project [EN]

This session intends to provide a summary of CAS server achievements in 2016, and will also touch upon a future roadmap for the project based on input and feedback collected from the recent CAS community survey. We shall review a number of significant recent features available in the current CAS 5 release line such as support for MFA, SAML2 and OpenID Connect and will discuss the scope of the current project TODO list in preparation for the upcoming feature release prior to Apereo 2017.
   > Misagh Moayyed (Software Engineer, Apereo CAS project chair -- Apereo Foundation)

13:30 – Karuta 2.2: A community tool to uncover your own ePortfolio process [FR] 

Finding the right ePortfolio process is not an easy task for most of the educational institutions. Existing tools are not flexible enough and do not necessarily answers the needs and resources of the communities. The recognized Karuta flexibility and its use of sharable templates provide a nice environment to support the collaborative design discovery of the right ePortfolio process. The goal of this presentation is to present real examples of some Karuta ePortolio processes developed in the U.S., Canada, France and Belgium.
   > Jacques Raynauld (Professor -- HEC Montréal)

=> Slides / Video (@ 0:00)

14:10 – Graphic and ergonomic review of the brand new portal deployed at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne [FR] 

Last fall, the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne deployed a new version of its web portal (ENT). This new version introduced major modifications especially regarding the UI, both in terms of design and ergonomics: instead of using the traditional tabbed navigation system, the user can now directly access to their digital services and applications. The applications being displayed to the user are also sorted according to the data provided by the Agimus-NG engine, in charge of actual usage analysis.
In this session, we will explain our motivation for this brand new portal and the procedure we followed to implement it. Finally, we will share some user feedbacks we collected regarding those enhancements and give examples of some underlying changes we identified in our users' behavior.

   > Aymar Anli (Portal Project Manager -- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

=> Slides / Video (@ 41:12)

14:30How to map your information system using Nuxeo & Linkurious [FR] 

Demonstration of a specific usage of Nuxeo at the Université de Lorraine where, coupled with Linkurious (a graph visualization solution), it is being used to map their information system.
> Lionel Grosjean (Assistant to the Deputy Director of Information System Research and Development Department, in charge of dematerialization -- Université de Lorraine)
   > Olivier Ziller (Deputy Director of Information System Research and Development Department -- Université de Lorraine)
   > Shijia Qiang (Project Manager -- Université de Lorraine)

=> Slides / Video (@ 1:09:43)

15:00 – Learning Analytics: ESUP-Portail embarks on the journey! [EN][FR] 

Learning Analytics is still an emerging trend in France, including in higher education. The wide (and ever-rising) use of digital services by students allows us to gather a substantial amount of data on their online behavior. The goal of Learning Analytics is to analyze and process the collected data in order to better understand those students and improve their learning.
This session will further describe what Learning Analytics are, provide examples of how the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative (LAI) platform is being used in the United States and in the United Kingdom and finally, explain how we are planning on assessing this solution in the context of a French university

   > Benjamin Seclier (System administrator -- Université de Lorraine)
   > Gary Gilbert (Software Architect -- Apereo Foundation / Unicon Inc.)

=> Slides: "Learning Analytics" & "LA in France" / Video (@ 1:40:26)

16:00 – FranceConnect and CAS, or how to FranceConnect-ify your digital services in a cost-effective way [FR] 

After introducing the national authentication and identification system, we will explain how to integrate FranceConnect into a CAS server. To illustrate this, we will showcase how as a service provider, we enable our users (students, administrative staff, partners,...) to log into their usual digital services using their FranceConnect account.
It is ultimately up to the user whether they want to use their institutional or FranceConnect account to log in. A reconciliation approach between both the local and FranceConnect identities will also be presented.
Please note that this session will include several online demonstrations

   > Aymar Anli (Coordinator of the "Authentication" working group -- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
   > Eric Heijligers (IT Architect -- DISIC)

=> Slides / Video (@ 2:24:50)

16:30 – Apereo OAE - Connecting the Academic Community in France and the whole world [EN][FR] 

This session will be divided into 3 parts:
  - Evolution and usage of OAE in France, also focusing on the ongoing developments.
  - Unity – making the OAE viable for global collaboration: The OAE software has been built to handle millions of users at thousands of institutions. However, there are many “soft” barriers to adoption by academics and universities. As the global hosting partner for the OAE Project, *Research has been working to erode these barriers so that two academics anywhere in the world can connect on *Unity as simply and reliably as they do by email. Key progress over the past year has been in: expanding the number of *Unity tenancies to over 20,000; joining new access management federations; adding corporate policies to ensure compliance with a wide range of non-functional requirements; guaranteeing data privacy through support for the Research & Scholarship and CoCo REFEDS tags; providing a legally binding Service Level Agreement for institutions that want additional comfort with, for example, guaranteed response times for support; ...
  - Re-engineering the OAE Project for maturity: The OAE Project has historically been driven by a small number of institutions supporting a team of professional developers. Now that the heavy lifting has been completed, the Project is re-organizing itself to support a wider range of contributors. Steps include: forming a User Group; improving the OAE Project website; publicizing designs for future development & the work plan of the core team; packaging the software for easy local installation; inviting contributions from both developers and QA; supporting the developers of third party apps; etc
   > Frédéric Dooremont (Coordinator of the "OAE" working group -- Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale)
   > Ian Dolphin (Executive Director -- Apereo Foundation)

   > William Cullerne Bown (Président exécutif -- *Research)

=> Slides "*Unity for global collaboration" & "OAE en France" / Video (@3:02:02)


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