La liste d'utilisateurs n'est pas rendue car vous ne possédez pas les droits d'accès nécessaires pour afficher les profils utilisateur.
See also: Configuring the initial properties of departments
The initial configuration of the departments is done by the bean departmentConfigurator, by default of class org.esupportail.helpdesk.domain.departmentConfiguration.DepartmentConfiguratorImpl.
The steps to configure the departments in a different way are:
- write a new class implementing the interface org.esupportail.helpdesk.domain.departmentConfiguration.DepartmentConfigurator, for instance by inheriting an existing class
- declare the bean departmentConfigurator of this class in the configuration file /properties/domain/departmentConfiguration.xml
- allow the automatic recovering of the new class and the configuration file /properties/domain/departmentConfiguration.xml when upgrading (see Recovering previous configuration and customizations when upgrading).
Vue d'ensemble
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