La liste d'utilisateurs n'est pas rendue car vous ne possédez pas les droits d'accès nécessaires pour afficher les profils utilisateur.
It is possible from version 3.27 to authenticate the users against an external data source (e.g. a database, a LDAP directory, an XML file), in addition to CAS, Shibboleth and application users (the four kind of users can co-exist).
Set the following property to true:
In order to implement your specific authentication, you have to:
- Write your own specific user manager by implementing the interface SpecificUserManager . Two examples are provided:
- VoidUserManagerImpl does nothing, it is used by default.
- XmlUserManagerImpl declares its own users in a Spring configuration file (see the last commented part in /properties/domain/userAssignment-specific.xml)
- Declare the bean specificUserManager as an instance of your class in /properties/domain/userAssignment-specific.xml
Do not forget to allow the automatic recovering of the classes and the configuration file on the next upgrade, see Recovering previous configuration and customizations when upgrading.
Vue d'ensemble
Gestion des contenus