
La liste d'utilisateurs n'est pas rendue car vous ne possédez pas les droits d'accès nécessaires pour afficher les profils utilisateur.

Arborescence des pages

Authentication image

CAS is known by the users as Sésame. The CAS login image of the guest page was updated accordingly.

  • /webapp/media/images/local-login.png:


/webapp/media/portlet.css has been copied to the portal stylesheets folder and adapted (this file is used by all the esup-commons applications deployed in uPortal).

  • /media/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/xhtml-theme/rennes1/skin/portlet.css: portlet.css (original)

/webapp/media/commons.css has just been copied to the portal stylesheets folder and adapted (it is also used by all the esup-commons applications deployed in uPortal).

  • /media/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/xhtml-theme/rennes1/skin/commons.css (original)

/webapp/media/helpdesk.css has been copied to a sub-folder and adapted as well.

  • /media/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/xhtml-theme/rennes1/skin/helpdesk/css/helpdesk.css: helpdesk.css (original)

These three files are referenced by the main stylesheet of the portal.

  • /media/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/xhtml-theme/rennes1/skin/rennes1.css: rennes1.css
    @import "portlet.css";
    @import "commons.css";
    @import "helpdesk/css/helpdesk.css";

In order to get the same presentation for the emails received by the users and the web interface, the stylesheet used to format emails has been adapted.

User information

The managers wanted to have a link to the web page of the users. It has been done by developing a customization class (included in the main distribution):


(click on pictures to enlarge)

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