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 Internship Agreement No. 34379 between

(Convention de stage entre)

 Note: To facilitate reading of the document, the terms "intern," "referencing professor," "internship tutor," "legal representative," and "student" are used in the
 masculine form.

(Nota : pour faciliter la lecture du document, les mots "stagiaire", "enseignant référent", "tuteur de stage", "représentant légal", "étudiant" sont utilisés au 



Sure, here's the translation of the provided text into English:


**Name:** University of Picardie Jules Verne  
**Address:** Chemin du Thil 80000 Amiens  
**Represented by (signatory of the agreement):**  
**Position of the representative:**  
**Faculty/Institute:** BEAUVAIS BRANCH - LANGUAGES (131)  
**Address (if different from the institution's address):** 52 boulevard Saint André 60000 Beauvais  
**Phone:** 03 44 06 88 00  



Sure, here's the translation of the provided text into English:


**Name:** Hotello Trieste  
**Address:** via Valdirivo, 6 34142 Trieste  
**Country:** ITALY  
**Represented by (signatory of the agreement):** Mrs. Bazzanella Xijadu  
**Position of the representative:** Supervisor  
**Service where the internship will be carried out:** Hotello Trieste via Valdirivo, 6 34142 Trieste ITALY  
**Phone:** +39 040.9892908  


**Last Name:** Argun  
**First Name:** Ahmet  
**Gender:** M  
**Date of Birth:** 30/12/2004  
**Address:** 12 Rue Vinot Préfontaine, Beauvais, 60000 Beauvais, France  
**Country:** France  
**Phone:** +33 7 71 66 16 97  

**Title of the training or curriculum followed at the higher education institution and number of hours (annual or semester):**  
**Title of the training or curriculum:** LICENCE 2 LANGUAGES, LEA ENGLISH-SPANISH (BEAUVAIS)  
**Number of training hours:** 200+

**Internship Topic:**  
- Learn the management of room bookings and reservation processes.  
- Develop strategies to attract clients and promote the establishment.  
- Improve communication and customer service skills specific to the industry.  
- Gain hands-on experience in reception procedures and guest services.  
- Develop expertise in organizing reception services for different types of accommodations.  
- Cultivate customer service skills tailored to the industry.  
- Understand and implement management practices for various guest protocols.  
- Familiarize oneself with health and safety protocols at work.


**Sujet de stage :**  
- Apprendre la gestion des réservations de chambres et les processus de réservation.  
- Développer des stratégies pour attirer les clients et promouvoir l'établissement.  
- Améliorer les compétences en communication et en service à la clientèle spécifiques à l'industrie.  
- Acquérir une expérience pratique dans les procédures de réception et de service aux invités.  
- Développer une expertise dans l'organisation des services de réception pour différents types d'hébergements.  
- Cultiver des compétences en service à la clientèle adaptées à l'industrie.  
- Comprendre et mettre en œuvre les pratiques de gestion des protocoles pour divers invités.  
- Se familiariser avec les protocoles de santé et de sécurité au travail.

**Dates:** From 12/10/2024 to 24/10/2024  
**Interruption:** No  

**Hours of Effective Presence at the Host Organization: ( nombre d'heure effective  de présence à l'organisme d'accueil)** Corresponding to 72 hours of effective presence at the host organization.  

Duration: (durée) Corresponding to 0 months, 9 days, 0 hours (0 months, 9 days, 0 hours)  

**Comment:** (commentaire)

Support of the Intern by the Educational Institution

Name and Surname of the Mentor Teacher: Isabelle Courtin
Position (or subject):

**Host Organization**

**Last Name and First Name of the Internship Tutor:** Bazzanella Xijadu  
**Position:** Supervisor  
**Phone:** 3476563081  

Social Security or Main Health Insurance to Contact in Case of Accident (the one from the student's place of residence unless an exception):
Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) of Oise
1 rue de Savoie
BP 30326
60013 Beauvais Cedex

Article 1: Purpose of the Agreement
This agreement regulates the relationships between the host organization, the higher education institution, and the intern.

Article 2: Purpose of the Internship
Internships allow the student to temporarily access a professional environment where they acquire professional skills and apply the knowledge gained during their training with the aim of obtaining a degree or certification and facilitating their professional integration. The intern is assigned one or more tasks related to the educational project of the institution and approved by the host organization.
The internship program is designed by the institution and the host organization according to the overall training program provided.


  • Learn the management of room bookings and reservation processes.
  • Develop strategies to attract clients and promote the establishment.
  • Improve communication and customer service skills specific to the industry.
  • Gain hands-on experience in reception procedures and guest services.
  • Develop expertise in organizing reception services for different types of accommodations.
  • Cultivate exceptional customer service skills tailored to the industry.
  • Understand and implement management practices for various guest protocols.
  • Familiarize oneself with health and safety protocols at work.
  • Develop departmental management skills in the accommodation sector


  • English language

**Article 3: Internship Modalities**  
The intern's weekly presence will be 40 hours based on full-time.  
If the intern is required to be present at the host organization at night, on a Sunday, or on a public holiday, specify the cases:  

**Article 4: Reception and Supervision of the Intern**  
The intern is monitored by a mentor teacher appointed in this agreement, as well as by the internship service of the institution.  
The internship tutor appointed by the host organization in this agreement is responsible for supervising the intern and optimizing the conditions for the internship according to the defined educational requirements.  
The student may return to the educational institution during the internship period to attend certain classes explicitly required by the program or to participate in meetings; the dates will be communicated to the host organization by the institution.  
The host organization may authorize the student's movement.  
Any difficulties that may arise in the execution or development of the internship, whether identified by the student or the internship tutor, must be reported to the mentor teacher and the educational institution to be resolved as soon as possible.  
The host organization must not assign dangerous tasks to the intern.  

**SUPERVISION MODALITIES (visits, phone calls, etc.):**

**Article 5: Compensation - Benefits**  
Abroad, the rules regarding bonuses or remuneration are governed by local legislation. When the internship takes place in France and its duration exceeds two months, whether consecutive or not, it is mandatory to provide compensation, except in the case of special rules applicable to certain French overseas territories and internships covered by Article L4381-1 of the Public Health Code.  
The hourly amount of the compensation is set at 15% of the maximum hourly limit of social security, as defined under Article L.241-3 of the Social Security Code. A sectoral agreement or a professional agreement may define an amount higher than this rate.  
The compensation, which cannot exceed 15% of the maximum hourly limit of social security, is not subject to social security contributions.  
From that point, social security contributions are calculated based on the difference between the amount of compensation and 15% of the maximum hourly limit of social security.  
Compensation owed by a public legal entity cannot be combined with a salary paid by the same entity during the relevant period.  
The compensation is provided in addition to the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the student during the internship and any benefits offered for meals, accommodation, and transportation.  
The organization may establish compensation for internships of a duration equal to or less than two months.  
In case of suspension or termination of this agreement, the amount of compensation due to the student is calculated pro-rata based on the duration of the internship performed.  
The duration entitled to compensation is determined based on the number of days of actual presence of the intern at the host organization.  
**THE AMOUNT OF THE COMPENSATION** is set at 200 euros gross per hour/day/month (cross out the options that do not apply).

**Article 6: Social Protection Regime**  
During the internship period, the student remains affiliated with their previous social security system.  
During the internship period, the intern is covered by sickness and accident insurance provided they are affiliated with a social security scheme and French legislation applies.  
Internships abroad must be reported to social security before the student's departure, if requested.  
For internships abroad, the following provisions apply as long as they are in compliance with the legislation of the host country and the specific legislation governing the host organization.  

6.1 Bonus up to 15% of the maximum hourly limit of social security:  
In the event that the intern suffers an accident during activities at the internship location(s), or during the journey between home and the internship site, or at locations designated for internships and for medical, dental surgery, or pharmacy students who do not have hospital status during the internship period as provided under point b of paragraph 2 of Article L.412-8, the host organization will send the declaration to the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie or the competent fund (see address on page 1), indicating the educational institution as the employer, with a copy to the institution.

**6.2 Bonus above 15% of the maximum hourly limit of social security:**  
If the intern suffers an accident during activities at the host organization, whether during the journey or at the designated internship locations, the host organization will carry out all necessary procedures with the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie and inform the educational institution as soon as possible.

**6.3 Health Protection for the Student Abroad**

1) **Protection under the French student regime**  
   - For internships within the European Economic Area (EEA) conducted by nationals of a European Union member country, or Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland, or even another country (in this case, this provision does not apply to internships in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland), the student must request a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).  
   - For internships in Quebec by French nationals, the student must request form SE401Q (104 for company internships, 106 for university internships).  
   - In other cases, the intern who incurs health expenses should check the reimbursement conditions. There may be significant differences between the expenses incurred and the French base reimbursement rates. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the student take out specific additional health insurance, valid for the destination country and the internship period, through their chosen host organization (student mutual insurance, parents' mutual insurance, private insurance company, etc.) or, if applicable and after verifying the scope of the offered coverage, through the host organization if it provides health coverage under local law (see 2 below).

2) **Social protection provided by the host organization**  
   By marking the corresponding box, the host organization indicates whether it provides health coverage to the intern under local law:  
   - **YES** (this is in addition to the rights derived from the French "student" regime, which are maintained abroad).  
   - **NO** (coverage is provided solely by the rights derived from the French "student" regime, which are maintained abroad).  
   If no box is marked, the provisions of 6.3.1 apply.

**6.4 Work Accident Protection for the Student Abroad**

1) To benefit from French legislation on work accident coverage, the following conditions must be met:  
   - The internship must have a maximum duration of 6 months, including extensions.  
   - No remuneration that could entitle the student to work accident protection in the host country is allowed; compensation or a stipend up to 15% of the maximum social security limit per hour is permitted (see point 5), provided that the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie agrees to maintain the right.  
   - The internship must take place solely at the organization signing this agreement.  
   - The internship must occur only in the specified foreign country.  
   If these conditions are not met, the host organization commits to contributing to the protection of the intern and to making the necessary declarations in case of a work accident.

2) The declaration of work accidents is the responsibility of the educational institution, which must be informed in writing within 48 hours by the host organization.

3) Coverage includes accidents that occur:  
   * On the premises of the internship location and during internship hours,  
   * During the usual commute between the intern’s residence in the foreign country and the internship location,  
   * In the context of a mission assigned by the host organization and documented by an official order,  
   * During the commute from the residence to the internship location at the start of the internship,  
   * During the commute back from the internship residence to the intern's residence.

**4)** If any one of the conditions outlined in point 6.4.1 is not met, the host organization commits under this agreement to cover the intern against work accident risk, commuting accidents, and occupational diseases, as well as to handle all necessary declarations.

**5)** In any case:  
   * If the intern suffers a work accident during the internship, the host organization must immediately report the accident to the educational institution.  
   * If the intern undertakes missions outside the host organization or outside the internship country, the host organization must carry out all necessary procedures to ensure proper coverage.

**Article 7: Liability and Insurance**  
The host organization and the student declare that they are covered for civil liability.  
For internships abroad or in overseas territories, the student commits to subscribing to a travel assistance contract (medical repatriation, legal assistance, etc.) and an individual accident insurance contract.  
If the host organization provides a vehicle for the intern, it is their responsibility to verify that the vehicle’s insurance policy covers use by an intern.  
If, during the internship, the student uses their own vehicle or a vehicle loaned by a third party, they must expressly inform the vehicle’s insurer and, if applicable, pay the corresponding premium.

**Article 8: Discipline**  
The student is subject to the discipline and the clauses of the internal regulations of the host organization, which are made known to them before the start of the internship, particularly concerning working hours and hygiene and safety standards in force at the host organization.  
The educational institution is the only authority with the power to decide on any disciplinary action. The host organization will inform the referring teacher and the institution of any infractions and, if applicable, provide evidence of the infraction.  
In the case of a particularly serious disciplinary infraction, the host organization reserves the right to terminate the internship in accordance with the provisions set out in Article 9 of this agreement.

Artículo 9:  Ausencias – Interrupción de las prácticas      
Cuando el periodo de prácticas tenga lugar en Francia (salvo en el caso de 
las normas especiales aplicables en determinadas colectividades francesas 
de ultramar o en organismos de derecho público), en caso de embarazo, 
paternidad o adopción, el becario se beneficiará de bajas y autorizaciones 
de ausencia por un periodo equivalente al previsto para los trabajadores 
asalariados en los artículos L.1225-16 a L.1225-28, L.1225-35, L.1225
37, L.1225-46 del Código Laboral.    
Para las prácticas de duración superior a dos meses y sin que pueda 
superar un máximo de 6 meses, los permisos de ausencia son posibles.    
de permisos de ausencia durante las prácticas :      
En el extranjero, las bajas no son obligatorias.    
Cualquier interrupción temporal o definitiva del periodo de prácticas se 
comunicará a los firmantes del convenio. Para cualquier otra interrupción 
temporal de las prácticas (enfermedad, ausencia injustificada…), el 
organismo de acogida deberá informar al responsable del centro por 
Cualquier interrupción de las prácticas ha de ser comunicada a las otras 
partes del acuerdo y al profesor referente, instaurando en su caso un 
proceso de validación. En caso de conformidad de las partes del acuerdo, 
se puede aplazar el final de las prácticas para permitir la realización de la 
duración total de las prácticas previstas inicialmente. El aplazamiento será 
objeto de un anexo al acuerdo de prácticas.    
Podrá incorporarse un anexo al acuerdo en caso de prórroga de las 
a petición conjunta del organismo de acogida y el estudiante, dentro de la 
duración máxima de las prácticas fijadas por ley (6 meses).    
En caso de que una de las tres partes (organismo de acogida, centro, 
estudiante) deseara interrumpir de manera definitiva las prácticas, esta 
deberá informar inmediatamente las otras dos partes por escrito. Los 
motivos alegados se debatirán en concertación. La decisión de 
interrupción de las practicas se tomará al final de esta fase de 

**Article 10: Duty of Confidentiality**  
The duty of confidentiality is absolute and is highly valued by the host organization, considering its specificities. The intern therefore agrees not to use any information obtained for publication or communication to third parties without the prior consent of the host organization, including the internship report. This commitment applies not only during the internship but also extends beyond its completion. The student agrees not to retain, take, or copy any document or software, regardless of its nature, belonging to the host organization, unless authorized by the latter.  

Due to the confidentiality of the information contained in the report, the host organization may request restrictions on the distribution of the report or even the removal of certain confidential elements.  

Individuals who have access to such information are bound by professional secrecy and must not disclose it.

**Article 11: Intellectual Property**  
In France, if the intern's activities result in the creation of a work protected by copyright or industrial property (including software), a contract must be signed between the intern (author) and the host organization. The contract must specify, in particular, the inventive mission, the scope of the rights transferred, any exclusivity, the purpose, the media used, and the duration of the transfer, as well as, if applicable, the amount of financial compensation owed to the intern for the transfer. These provisions apply except in cases of specific rules related to internships carried out within a public or private legal entity conducting research and subject to Article L611-7-1 of the Intellectual Property Code.

**Article 12: End of Internship – Certificate – Evaluation**  
1. **Internship Certificate**: At the end of the internship, the host organization will provide the student with a certificate, the model of which is included as an annex, mentioning at least the actual duration of the internship and, if applicable, the amount of the compensation received.  

2. **Quality of Internship**: At the end of the internship, the parties to this agreement will be invited to provide feedback on the quality of the internship. The intern will submit a document to the relevant service of the educational institution assessing the quality of the reception received from the host organization. This document will not be considered in the evaluation or the awarding of the diploma or certificate.

3. **Evaluation of the Student's Activity**: At the end of the internship, the host organization will complete a form evaluating the student’s activity and submit it to the referring professor (or specify in case of annex or evaluation modalities previously agreed upon with the referring professor).

4. **Pedagogical Evaluation Modalities**: The intern must specify the nature of the work to be submitted – report, etc. – possibly with an attached annex: Internship Report.

   **NUMBER OF ECTS CREDITS (if applicable):** 0.00

The responsible tutor from the host organization or any other member of the host organization who is required to attend the educational institution for the preparation, conduct, and validation of the internship cannot receive any form of payment or compensation from the educational institution.

**Article 13: Applicable Law – Competent Courts**  
This agreement is solely governed by French law.  
Any disputes not resolved amicably will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent French courts.  
In accordance with personal data protection regulations, the intern must be informed of the handling of personal data provided to the educational institution and the host organization.

DONE IN (PLACE) …………………………………………                      ON (DATE) ………………………………………


Name and signature of the representative of the institution
(Name and signature of the representative of the establishment)

Name and signature
Ahmet Argun


Name and signature of the representative of the host organization
(Name and signature of the representative of the host organization)
Xijadu Bazzanella

Internship Supervisor of the Host Organization
(Name and signature)
Xijadu Bazzanella

Attachments to the Agreement:

  1. Internship Certificate (next page)
  2. Internship Form for Abroad (information on social security:; country information:
  3. Other annexes (if applicable)

  • Aucune étiquette