ESCO-Grouper UI
RECIA has a UI for grouper named ESCO-Grouper UI.
ESCO-Grouper UI uses Fluid.
ESCO-Grouper UI can be used in servlet mode (portlet mode works only with uPortal 2.6 and https).
It's possible to make plug-ins to extend features of the UI. For example, we made the "dynamic group" module, but we can imagine a module for discussion lists, for samba shares, etc.
ESCO-Grouper UI uses Grouper API, currently in version 1.6.3.
This UI is fully configurable :
- Screens (fields, names of the elements, columns of the tables,...)
- Search filters,
- ...
It was developed with fuild elements for a user friendly interface :
- Contextual menu depends on the rights of the user,
- Drag and drop to move groups,
- Rights displayed when hovering the mouse over all the elements of the tree,
- Single click Subscriptions,
- Dynamic groups (with the dynamic group hook in Grouper)
- ...
It offers a lot of functionalities :
- Possibility to define profiles : all functionalities, only the tree of the folders and groups, only the subscription page, etc.
- On line Help on each page,
- Research of people in groups,
- ...
Screen shots
ESCO-Grouper UI in uPortal
- Detailed functional specifications (en)
- Technical architechture document (en)
- Manuel de développement (fr)
- Dossier de qualification (fr)
- Accessibilité (fr)
- Utilisation du GroupeStore ESCO (fr)