When a user has a problem or question, (s)he creates a ticket in a category.
The status of a ticket changes, following to events performed by users or the application itself. The image below shows the lifecycle of a ticket (enlarge):
The owner of a ticket is the user that creates the ticket, as long as it is not changed by a manager.
When a manager creates a ticket, (s)he can choose the owner of the ticket. |
For each ticket, the owner of the ticket has a unique and clearly identifier interlocutor: the manager in charge of the ticket.
When a ticket is created, it is free (no manager in charge of the ticket). It can be taken by a manager, assigned to a manager by another manager, and then released again.
The status of the ticket gives its position in its lifecycle.
It can opened (free, in progress, postponed ou incomplete) ou closed (cancelled, closed, approved ou refused).
The final status of a ticket is archived.
It is initially chosen by the owner of the ticket, and can later be changed by a manager.
The visibility of a ticket can be:
The visibility of a ticket is set at the creation of the ticket by its creator, it can be changed at any time later by the owner or the managers.
See: Configuring the default ticket visbility
The priority of a ticket is set at the creation of the ticket by its creator, it can be changed at any time later by the owner or the managers.
See: Configuring the default ticket priority
The computer is an informal attribute of the ticket, set by default to the computer from which the ticket has been created.It can be changed at any time later by the owner or the managers.
Voir : Links to an external inventory application
The time spent is set in days, hours and minutes by the manager in charge of the ticket.
It is possible, for each department, to force managers to fill the time spent on each ticket when closing it (see 01 Departments).
The origin of the ticket is set when creating the ticket by the application, it can be changed later by the managers.
The origins are by default:
It is possible to add other origins.