Voici la nouvelle architecture mise en place à Lille en mai 2024 pour la version 3.6.0 de Pod (cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir)
Côté front, on a suivi l'installation classique de Pod présentée dans ce wiki.
Pour le fichier de settings local, on a posé le fichier sur le montage NFS pour la partager avec les encodeurs et les transcripteurs. On a fait de même pour les médias.
pod@pod-front:/usr/local/django_projects/podv3$ ll pod total 288 authentication bbb chapter completion custom cut db_migrations dressing enrichment import_video __init__.py live locale log lti main media -> /srv/pod/media meeting node_modules package.json playlist podfile progressive_web_app __pycache__ recorder settings.py static urls.py video video_encode_transcript video_search wsgi.py xapi yarn.lock pod@pod-front:/usr/local/django_projects/podv3$ ll pod/custom/ total 56 admin.py apps.py __init__.py migrations models.py pod_nginx.conf pod_uwsgi.ini __pycache__ settings_local_docker_full_test.py settings_local.py -> /srv/pod/settings_local.py static templates tenants tests.py urls.py views.py pod@pod3:/usr/local/django_projects/podv3$ |
Pour le fichier de settings-local.py, voici son contenu
SECRET_KEY = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' DEBUG = False # Pour forcer le https SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = not DEBUG SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = not DEBUG CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = not DEBUG ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ 'pod-front.univ-lille.fr', 'pod.univ-lille.fr' ] ADMINS = ( ('Nicolas', 'nicolas.can@univ-lille.fr'), ) MANAGERS = ADMINS DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'pod3', 'USER': 'pod', 'PASSWORD': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'HOST': 'pod-bdd.univ.fr', 'PORT': '3306', 'OPTIONS': { 'init_command': "SET storage_engine=INNODB, sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES', innodb_strict_mode=1, foreign_key_checks =1", }, } } CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://default:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@pod-cache:6379/3', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', }, 'KEY_PREFIX': 'pod' }, 'session': { 'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://default:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@pod-cache:6379/4', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', }, 'KEY_PREFIX': 'pod' }, 'select2': { 'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://default:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@pod-cache:6379/2', 'OPTIONS': { 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', }, }, } SESSION_CACHE_ALIAS = 'session' SESSION_ENGINE = "django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache" # les migrations des flatpages sont maintenant avec le code de pod MIGRATION_MODULES = {'flatpages': 'pod.db_migrations.flatpages'} TIME_ZONE = "Europe/Paris" LANGUAGE_CODE = "fr" LANGUAGES = ( ('fr', 'Français'), ('en', 'English'), ) FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR = "/srv/pod/tmp" EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.univ.fr' EMAIL_PORT = 25 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'no-reply@univ.fr' SERVER_EMAIL = 'no@univ.fr' SUPPORT_EMAIL = ['pod@univ.fr'] CONTACT_US_EMAIL = ['pod@univ.fr'] MENUBAR_HIDE_INACTIVE_OWNERS = True MENUBAR_SHOW_STAFF_OWNERS_ONLY = True HOMEPAGE_SHOWS_PASSWORDED = False HOMEPAGE_SHOWS_RESTRICTED = False FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS = True MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 50 USE_PODFILE = True THIRD_PARTY_APPS = ["enrichment", "live"] HIDE_TAGS = True HIDE_SHARE = True HIDE_USER_TAB = False HIDE_USER_FILTER = False HIDE_USERNAME = False LINK_SUPERPOSITION = True USE_STATS_VIEW = True VIEW_STATS_AUTH = False MAX_DURATION_DATE_DELETE = 5 HIDE_LOCAL_LOGIN = True ORGANIZE_BY_THEME = True TEMPLATE_VISIBLE_SETTINGS = { 'TITLE_SITE': 'Lille.Pod', 'TITLE_ETB': 'Université de Lille', 'LOGO_SITE': 'img/logoPod.svg', 'LOGO_COMPACT_SITE': 'img/logoPod.svg', 'LOGO_ETB': 'custom/images/Logo.sans.baseline-Horizontal-RVB-Blanc.svg', 'LOGO_PLAYER': 'img/pod_favicon.svg', 'FOOTER_TEXT': ( '42, rue Paul Duez', '59000 Lille - France' ), "FAVICON": "custom/favicon.svg", 'LINK_PLAYER': 'http://www.univ-lille.fr', 'CSS_OVERRIDE': 'custom/override.css', 'PRE_HEADER_TEMPLATE': 'custom/preheader.html', 'POST_FOOTER_TEMPLATE': 'custom/footer.html', 'TRACKING_TEMPLATE': 'custom/tracking.html', } ES_URL = ['https://pod-cache:9200'] ES_VERSION = 8 ES_INDEX = "pod" ES_OPTIONS = {'verify_certs' : False, 'basic_auth' : ('elastic', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')} USE_CAS = True CREATE_GROUP_FROM_AFFILIATION = True CAS_LOGOUT_COMPLETELY = True CAS_ADMIN_AUTH = False CAS_GATEWAY = True CAS_SERVER_URL = "https://cas.univ.fr/" AUTH_CAS_USER_SEARCH = "user" POPULATE_USER = "CAS" AFFILIATION_STAFF = ('faculty', 'employee', 'staff') CAS_FORCE_LOWERCASE_USERNAME = True OEMBED = True ACTIVE_VIDEO_COMMENT = True USER_VIDEO_CATEGORY = True LTI_ENABLED = True PYLTI_CONFIG = {"consumers": {"univ.fr": {"secret": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}}} # gestion de l'oboslesence des vidéos USE_OBSOLESCENCE = True WARN_DEADLINES = [60, 30, 7] POD_ARCHIVE_AFFILIATION = ['faculty', 'staff', 'employee', 'affiliate', 'alum', 'library-walk-in', 'researcher', 'retired', 'emeritus', 'teacher', 'registered-reader', 'member'] ACCOMMODATION_YEARS = { 'affiliate': 1 } DEFAULT_YEAR_DATE_DELETE = 2 DARKMODE_ENABLED = True DYSLEXIAMODE_ENABLED = True COOKIE_LEARN_MORE = "https://www.univ.fr/dp/" USE_OPENCAST_STUDIO = True USE_MEETING = True BBB_API_URL = "https://bbb.numerique-esr.fr" BBB_SECRET_KEY = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" MEETING_DISABLE_RECORD = False RESTRICT_EDIT_MEETING_ACCESS_TO_STAFF_ONLY = True AFFILIATION_EVENT = ("event creator", ) EVENT_GROUP_ADMIN = "event administrator" EMAIL_ON_EVENT_SCHEDULING = True USE_NOTIFICATIONS = True WEBPUSH_SETTINGS = { "VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "VAPID_ADMIN_EMAIL": "nicolas.can@univ-lille.fr" } # LOGGING = {} # Configuration Celery sur le frontal USE_REMOTE_ENCODING_TRANSCODING = True ENCODING_TRANSCODING_CELERY_BROKER_URL = "redis://default:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@pod-cache:6379/5" POD_API_URL = "https://pod.univ-lille.fr/rest/" POD_API_TOKEN = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" USE_TRANSCRIPTION = True TRANSCRIPTION_TYPE = "WHISPER" TRANSCRIPTION_MODEL_PARAM = { 'WHISPER': { 'fr': { 'model': "small", 'download_root': "/data/transcription/whisper/", }, 'en': { 'model': "small", 'download_root': "/data/transcription/whisper/", } } } |
Ensuite, côté UWSGI, voici ce que ca donne
# pod_uwsgi.ini file [uwsgi] # Django-related settings # the base directory (full path) chdir = /usr/local/django_projects/podv3 # Django's wsgi file module = pod.wsgi # the virtualenv (full path) home = /home/pod/.virtualenvs/django_pod3 # process-related settings # master master = true # maximum number of worker processes processes = 30 # the socket (use the full path to be safe socket = /usr/local/django_projects/podv3/podv3.sock # http = :8000 # ... with appropriate permissions - may be needed chmod-socket = 666 # clear environment on exit vacuum = true # In case of numerous/long cookies and/or long query string, the HTTP header may exceed default 4k. # When it occurs, uwsgi rejects those rejects with error "invalid request block size" and nginx returns HTTP 502. # Allowing 8k is a safe value that still allows weird long cookies set on .univ-xxx.fr buffer-size = 8192 # To log to files instead of stdout/stderr, use 'logto', # or to simultaneously daemonize uWSGI, 'daemonize'. # daemonize = /home/pod/django_projects/podv3/pod/log/uwsgi-pod.log logto = /home/pod/django_projects/podv3/pod/log/uwsgi-pod.log # recommended params by https://www.techatbloomberg.com/blog/configuring-uwsgi-production-deployment/ strict = true ; This option tells uWSGI to fail to start if any parameter in the configuration file isn’t explicitly understood. die-on-term = true ; Shutdown when receiving SIGTERM (default is respawn) need-app = true ; This parameter prevents uWSGI from starting if it is unable to find or load your application module. |
J'ai mis 30 processes... A voir !
pour l'encodage et la transcription, j'ai suivi cette doc https://www.esup-portail.org/wiki/display/ES/Gestion+de+l%27encodage%2C+de+la+transcription+et+de+l%27xAPI#Gestiondel'encodage,delatranscriptionetdel'xAPI-3.D%C3%A9port%C3%A9surunemachineouundockerenmicroservice
Sur la même machine, j'ai 2 virtual env ( django_pod3_encodage et django_pod3_transcodage ) et 2 celery qui tournent : 1 pour l'encodage et 1 pour la transcription.
Voici un exemple pour le celery de l'encodage :
pod@pod-worker:/usr/local/django_projects/podv3$ cat /etc/default/celeryd-encodage CELERYD_NODES="worker-encodage1 worker-encodage2 worker-encodage3 worker-encodage4" # Nom du/des worker(s). Ajoutez autant de workers que de tache à executer en paralelle. CELERY_BIN="/home/pod/.virtualenvs/django_pod3_encodage/bin/celery" # répertoire source de celery CELERY_APP="pod.video_encode_transcript.encoding_tasks" # application où se situe celery CELERYD_CHDIR="/usr/local/django_projects/podv3" # répertoire du projet Pod (où se trouve manage.py) CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=86400 --concurrency=1 --max-tasks-per-child=1 --prefetch-multiplier=1 -Q encoding -n encode" # options à appliquer en plus sur le comportement du/des worker(s) CELERYD_LOG_FILE="/var/log/celery/%N.log" # fichier log CELERYD_PID_FILE="/var/run/celery/%N.pid" # fichier pid CELERYD_USER="pod" # utilisateur système utilisant celery CELERYD_GROUP="pod" # groupe système utilisant celery CELERY_CREATE_DIRS=1 # si celery dispose du droit de création de dossiers CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL="INFO" # niveau d'information qui seront inscrit dans les logs |
et pour celui de la transcription :
pod@pod-worker:/usr/local/django_projects/podv3$ cat /etc/default/celeryd-transcodage CELERYD_NODES="worker-transcodage1 worker-transcodage2 worker-transcodage3 worker-transcodage4" # Nom du/des worker(s). Ajoutez autant de workers que de tache à executer en paralelle. CELERY_BIN="/home/pod/.virtualenvs/django_pod3_transcodage/bin/celery" # répertoire source de celery CELERY_APP="pod.video_encode_transcript.transcripting_tasks" # application où se situe celery CELERYD_CHDIR="/usr/local/django_projects/podv3" # répertoire du projet Pod (où se trouve manage.py) CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=86400 --concurrency=1 --max-tasks-per-child=1 --prefetch-multiplier=1 -Q transcripting -n transcript" # options à appliquer en plus sur le comportement du/des worker(s) CELERYD_LOG_FILE="/var/log/celery/%N.log" # fichier log CELERYD_PID_FILE="/var/run/celery/%N.pid" # fichier pid CELERYD_USER="pod" # utilisateur système utilisant celery CELERYD_GROUP="pod" # groupe système utilisant celery CELERY_CREATE_DIRS=1 # si celery dispose du droit de création de dossiers CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL="INFO" # niveau d'information qui seront inscrit dans les logs |