Historique de la page
Date | User | Category | Title | Integration | Version | Description |
2008/10/06 | Alexandre Boisseau | Email |
| A la connexion des utilisateurs, voir dans la base s'il existe des choses correspondant à leur adresse email est les transformer | |
2008/10/06 | Alexandre Boisseau |
| Paramétrer le email feeder pour transformer les identifiants email en identifiants institutionnels lors de la création des tickets. |
2008/10/06 | Alexandre Boisseau | UserInfo |
| Paramétrer le userInfo pour qu'il n'affiche pas toutes les informations (attente des précisions de alexandre) |
2008/10/06 | Alexandre Boisseau |
| rajouter le userInfo dans l'impression des tickets. | |
2008/10/06 | Alexandre Boisseau |
| Rajouter le userInfo dans les mails de monitoring. |
2008/10/06 | Alexandre Boisseau |
| Rajouter un paramétrage pour la configuration initiale des catégories à leur création. |
2008/10/06 | Alexandre Boisseau | FAQ | Hide the FAQ when empty |
| Lorsqu'il n'y a pas de FAQ, ne pas afficher le lien vers les FAQs depuis la page d'accueill ni l'entrée dans le menu supérieur. |
| Ajouter un bouton pour ajouter une règle dans la visibilité des services |
Features integrated
Date | User | Category | Title | Integration | Version | Description |
2006/07/03 | Michèle Guézou | Misc | Statistics | 2008/08/08 | 3.2.2 | Extract and show statistics on the web interface. |
2006/12/15 | Sylvain De Féo | User interface | Ticket printing | 2008/08/22 | 3.5.3 | Add a print button to the ticket page. |
2008/06/04 | Raymond Bourges | Daily reports | 2008/08/06 | 3.3.0 | Allow managers to receive daily reports by email. | |
2008/07/09 | Linda Ruault | User interface | User/manager control panel toggle | 2008/07/10 | 3.1.0 | Add a tip to the icon that allows users to toggle the user/manager interface on the control panel. |
2008/07/09 | Pascal Aubry | User interface | Direct access to tickets | 2008/07/14 | 3.1.0 | Allow users to access a ticket from the control panel by entering its number. |
2008/07/09 | Fabrice Jaunet | User interface | Sort the control panel by manager | 2008/08/08 | 3.2.2 | Allow managers to sort the tickets by manager. |
2008/07/10 | Vincent Repain | v3 migration | Recover v2 invitations | 2008/07/14 | 3.1.0 | Recover the v2 invitations and transform them to v3 invitations. |
2008/07/10 | Pascal Aubry | User interface | Bookmarks | 2008/07/15 | 3.2.0 | Add the possibility for users to bookmark active and archived tickets. |
2008/07/10 | Sylvain De Féo | User interface | Ticket assignment | 2008/07/16 | 3.2.3 | When assigning a ticket to a manager, present the managers sorted by display name. |
2008/07/10 | Françoise Callibot | User interface | File uploads when acting on tickets | 2008/08/19 | 3.4.0 | Allow users to attach files when doing other actions on tickets. |
2008/07/10 | Vincent Repain | User interface | Invite several users | 2008/08/19 | 3.4.0 | Allow managers to invite several users at the same time. |
2008/07/10 | Mathieu Cron | User interface | Member categories filtering on the control panel | 2008/07/14 | 3.1.0 | On the manager interface, add a filter to show the tickets of the categories the manager is member of. |
2008/07/10 | Vincent Repain | User interface | Navigation through pages on the control panel | 2008/07/15 | 3.2.0 | Repeat the navigation buttons through pages at the bottom of the ticket list. |
2008/07/10 | Mathieu Cron | Ticket monitoring | 2008/08/05 | 3.3.0 | Add the category of the tickets into monitoring emails. | |
2008/08/19 | Martine James | User interface | Sort the control panel by owner/category | 2008/08/20 | 3.5.0 | Add quick-sort buttons on the column labels. |
2008/08/20 | Martine James | User interface | Fichiers joints | 2008/08/21 | 3.5.1 | Allow users to attach several files at the same time. |
2008/09/02 | Odile Germès | Model/User interface | Visibility rules | 2008/10/10 | 3.10.5 | Allow administrators to manage the visbility rules from the web interface. |
2008/09/15 | Alain Kermarrec | Model/User interface | Canned responses | 2008/10/17 | 3.11.2 | Allow managers to use canned responses defined at application, department and user-level. |
2008/09/15 | Brigitte Wallaert | Model | Hide categories to external users | 2008/10/01 | 3.8.3 | Allow manager to set a property on categories to hide them to external users on ticket creation. |
2008/09/20 | Odile Germès | Database access | Use JNDI | 2008/10/01 | 3.8.3 | Using a Tomcat pool leads to much better performances but JNDI can not be used for batch commands since no Tomcat pool is available at this time. The application should allow both JNDI and JDBC usage, depending on the context (web or batch). |
2008/10/01 | Gwénaëlle Bouteille | Monitor bookmarked tickets | 2008/10/03 | 3.9.1 | Add a preference to allow users to monitor the bookmarked tickets. | |
2008/10/01 | Gwénaëlle Bouteille | User interface | Bookmark tickets from the control panel | 2008/10/03 | 3.9.1 | Allow users to add/remove bookmarks from the control panel without viewing the tickets. |
2008/10/01 | Martine James | User interface | Truncate long ticket labels on the control panel | 2008/10/03 | 3.9.1 | Truncate the long ticket labels on the control panel to prevent from browser scrolling. |
2008/10/14 | Katy Santerre | User interface | Automatic refresh of the control panel | 2008/10/16 | 3.12.0 | Allow managers to configure an automatic refresh delay for the control panel. |