Historique de la page
Date | User | Category | Title | Integration | Version | Description | |||||||
2009/11/09 | Benjamin Seclier | Search | Assisted Research | ? | ? | Make it possible to search people connected by Shibboleth. Now, it's just possible to do it with LDAP people. | |||||||
2010/01/15 | Philippe Lecler | User Interface | Homonyms |
| Make it possible to differentiate people with same first name and surname in invited users list. | |||||||
2010/06/24 | Philippe Lecler | User interface | Sessions |
| The heavy usage of session variables make it impossible to use several windows. It would be really important to allow users to open many windows (e.g. on several tickets) by making the application stateless (or at least only keeping session vars in session, such as authentication information). | |||||||
2010/09/03 | Philippe Lecler | User interface | Automatic invitations |
| Automatically invite users who let comments on tickets. A switch for each user may be added to enable/disable this feature. | |||||||
2010/09/20 | Odile Germès | User interface | Ticket contents |
| Filter Javascript code from user inputs to prevent from XXS. | |||||||
2010/10/18 | Brigitte Wallaert | Email Feed | Email messages too long |
| Email feed hangs when the body of a message is too long. | |||||||
2011/03/21 | Pascal Aubry | Deployment | Small portlet |
| A small portlet that presents a simplified version of the control panel should be added, and offer links to the servlet instance. | |||||||
2011/03/21 | Pascal Aubry | Deployment | Use Maven |
| Upgrade to esup-commons v2 and use Maven | |||||||
2012/03/27 | Serge Aumont | User interface | Unwanted scrollbars |
| Formatted texts (<pre>) in ticket actions lead to hugly scroll barsfor the wysiwyg editor. | |||||||
2012/06/12 | Francois Albert | Email Feed | Change email title |
| Change alerts e-mail subject according actions on the tickets: ]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> | 2012/06/25 | Michel Beheregaray | Web Service | Manage ticket with WS |