Esup WebDAV manager - User Guide

WebDAV manager is the admin tool for ESUP WebDAV Storage

Bourges  Raymond 
University of Rennes 1

1. RemoveUnused ant target
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Parameters
1.3. Execution

1. RemoveUnused ant target

1.1. Introduction

When you share a space with the channel an entry is created in storage_available_spaces table. For each user or group with read, write or manage permission granted an entry is created in storage_targets table. Finally, each time a user references this space a entry is created in storage_users_preferences table. Unfortunately, some time, for example when the folder is deleted form an other WevDAV client (Windows for example), the database isn't updated and become durty. This target have to clean CStockage channel database. For this, for each entry in storage_available_spaces, it try to get the WebDAV URL. If it get a 404 HTTP error it clean the database for this space.

1.2. Parameters

You have parameters to adapt the target action.

This parameters can be found in the file.

firstURL is the URL to find in the beginning of the server_name column value of storage_available_spaces table.


If you want to check an entire server you just give a short value (ex:

If you want to check an specific folder you can give a long url (ex:

secondURL is the URL that will replace firstURL during the get.


This is important because, some time, CStockage Channel used an URL with trusted access and you want to used this target with an other authentication mechanism on an other URL. Be careful with this URL because, in case or error, you can have a lot of 404 error and drop all your database ! Please first use mode=B for test.

mode is the execution mode for the target:

user and pwd is useful if you want to give user and password at http get time.


Generally you don't have to give this parameters and just use an unauthenticated mode. When folder exist you have an 403 error (no effect) and when folder doesn't exist you have an 404 error.

1.3. Execution

ant RemoveUnused