Esup Lecture Portlet - Installation Guide

XML aggregation portlet. Use French word “Lecture” in his name.

Bourges  Raymond - Bouteille Gwénaëlle 
University of Rennes 1

Dates de modification
Revision 1.0 2006-11-29 First version of the installation Guide
Revision 1.1 2007-01-12 installation Guide form Esup Lecture Portlet V0.6
1. Installation
2. Configuration
2.1. Technical configuration
2.2. Content configuration
2.2.1. esup-lecture.xml and <category>.xml
2.2.2. mappings.xml
2.2.3. portlet.xml

1. Installation

2. Configuration

You can configure your application. For this: adapt file(s) in properties directory and use ant deploy to deploy again your application.

2.1. Technical configuration

Adapt to your environment these configuration files:

2.2. Content configuration

To adapt to your environment, edit these configuration files:


XML Elements or attributes not explained here (but in dtd) implements features that are not yet supported.

2.2.1. esup-lecture.xml and <category>.xml

it describes contexts, category profiles and userId definition. Here is the structure of this file (for more information, look at dtd lecture-config.dtd) :

2.2.2. mappings.xml

mappings.xml : it describes a list of mappings used to parse xml stream of a source (see mappings.dtd ):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mappings SYSTEM "mappings.dtd" >
  <mapping> ... </mapping>
  <mapping> ... </mapping>

A source is composed of a list of items that will be parsed to be all displayed on interface . A mapping is used to define xsltFile and itemXPath to apply on a source. Sometimes, to define itemXPath, namespaces definition are required. Here is a mapping :

  <XPathNameSpace prefix="rdf" uri=""/>
  <XPathNameSpace prefix="default" uri="" />

Priority to find xslt informations on key entry of a mapping are : sourceURL, DTD, xmlType, xmlns and finally rootElement.

2.2.3. portlet.xml

All portal user attributes used by portlet must be declared in the webapp/WEB-INF/portlet.xml, here is an example :

  <description>the username of the portal user</description>
  <description>the displayName of the portal user</description>
  <description>the sn of the portal user</description>